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Hi KPN Team,

I would like to inform you that I purchased KPN Prepaid SIM from Albert Heinj Haarlem on 21Dec’19 and tried to use but came to know that it’s already deactivated and it can not be activated. I called to customer care and they suggested to talk to Albert only as you have taken from there, they have to replace it. I visited to Albert again and they denied to take back. 

Highly disappointed to look the KPN services. If KPN is providing the SIM to their vendors, KPN is responsible for it. I visited to KPN store as well but no response. Now, KPN says Albert should look and Albert says KPN should look. Very strange. I lost my 10 euro unnecessary. 

It’s not about the money but about all efforts, time and how KPN/Albert is cheating the customers.


Can I expect the positive response in this situation or forget about this and purchased new one from other opartor. 



Mohit Kumar



*Admin: gegevens verwijderd i.v.m. privacy

*Admin: afgesplitst en een eigen topic voor vraag aangemaakt


You will have to wait until a moderator respond.

However its not the 1st time i read this, and mostly kpn works it out well. So i am sure you will recieve soon a postive answer from KPN.


@Got Default Prepaid SIM Welcome! Thanks for asking your question here on our Forum. 

I'm sorry to hear that you can't use your sim card. I think that you purchased an expired prepaid sim card from the Albert Heijn. They should take back the sim card if you have a proof of purchase. We always put an expiring date on the packaging of the card. Albert Heijn is responsible for checking the expiring date, to prevent this from happening. Sadly, in this case we can not do anything for you. You could draw a complaint at the Albert Heijn. 

Well i dont understand why KPN haven compensated this customer with a free simcard, even if is Albert Heijn to blame, are you really want to let a customer to so much trouble just for a simple simcard?

I mean, no offense, but Vodafone and T-Mobile provide prepaid simcards for FREE, wich already says enough.

And even more if he could show prove that he really bought this expired simcard.

Hi KPN Team,


I never expected this response from you. Highly disappointed from KPN.


I visited to Albert store and they denied to take it back and suggested to go to KPN store or connect with KPN guys. They said, It’s not a policy to take back the SIM from customers. 


I had a long discussion with KPN customer care as well and they said, talk to Albert only. Surprised, How Albert and KPN are looting the customers. I am going to post this forum on social sites like Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook etc.


Please tell, me to who I need to connect if KPN and Albert are not responsible for this.




@Got Default Prepaid SIM Hi Mohit, welcome back. I understand your disappointment with this particular case. It’s not that we don't want to compensate you or provide you with a new Simcard. We just need to make clear, especially on a public forum like this, that this is not the responsibility of KPN, but Albert Heijen. For example, you can't blame the farmer for you buying expired milk in a supermarket like Albert Heijn. 
Could you please complete your profile with your personal details. Zipcode, house number, phone number, email address, etc. 
Could you also send me an e-mail with a photo/scan of your receipt and the name of this particular Albert Heijn? I'll send you a private message with our e-mail address. 

Thank you in advance.

Hi Lisa,


You/your team should have informed to Albert, not to sell the these SIM serious which is going to expire. It was deactivated on 20 Dec and I purchased it on 21Dec’19. Only 1 day gap is there. It’s just lack of communication between KPN and Albert. 


This is not first time which i am facing, many others customers also faced in past and you guys are just relaxing. Many Albert store stopped selling KPN SIM at their store.


Will Share the details but Now, I have taken new SIM from other operator and using that. I could’not wait from your response as I knew that it’ll take min 1 month to close the issue.





Can i get the update on this?

@Got Default Prepaid SIM,  I'm sorry for this late response. I think something went wrong because I did not receive an e-mail from you with the receipt. Also, I can't see your details in your profile (name and address). Could you please provide me with this information, otherwise I have no clue where I to send it. 


Hi Lisa,


I sent you the email on 3rd Jan’2020.

Subject - Got default KPN prepaid SIM

You have all details there. Please Check. I do not need the SIM now. I need the money. The issue is pending 21Dec’19. No one is listening.




@Got Default Prepaid SIM My apologies, I did receive the e-mail indeed. The only exception I could make is providing you with a new Prepaid SIM. However, you already bought a new one from a different provider, so you don't need the card anymore. You did not purchase the SIM from KPN but from Albert Heijn. If you want your money back, you should really take your complaint about the expired SIM to them. As I said before, KPN is not responsible for the purchase of an expired SIM from any store besides our direct KPN stores themselves. 

Hi Lisa,


This is to inform you that I visited Albert heijn on Sunday from where i purchased it as suggested. They clearly denied it to take back. They said, “KPN should be responsible and mentioned, why KPN is providing the expired SIM to Albert, go to KPN store”. I visited to KPN store which was near by Albert. “KPN store people denied it and said go to Albert”. I went back to Albert, they said, “We can not talk on this”. I had long argument with Albert manager. I wasted lot of money and efforts on this but no solutions yet. Now, I am going to post this concern to social sites and will highlight it, how Albert/kpn is making fool to customers.




Hi Lisa,


Can I get the update on this?

@Got Default Prepaid SIM  Well, there is nothing I can do for you since this mistake was made by Albert Heijn. We can not provide you with a refund for the Simcard. Albert Heijn is informed about this. If the employees from that store tell you that ‘expiring’ is not possible, that's a big misunderstanding. The only thing I can do is contacting Albert Heijn and tell them there is an expiring date, but I assume they already know. Albert Heijn should have taken the responsibility for this, by providing you with a new Simcard or a refund. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is file a complaint at the store you bought the card. 

Very strange to look your response. How you people are making fool to customers and looting.


Finally, I am going to file a legal complaint against KPN and Albert for mental harassment.
