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I am extremely annoyed with KPN & Spotify. They keep on pointing to each other. I have switched email accounts (hotmail > gmail), I have activated Spotify Premium using the 5 steps, but STILL I keep getting the ads. I have been inside the KPN-store already 5! times during the past 2 months, I have been on the 0900 or 0800-phone line for 4+ hours with KPN, but no one can solve this.

I feel like I am inside a catch22, with no solution in sight. 


Hi there and welcome to our forum @Anna Bel. I can imagine that you'd become very annoyed, when you've been trying to change your Spotify account to a new e-mailaddress for two months now. I'd like to help you out of the maze. 

Usually, if you want to start using Spotify Premium with a different e-mailaddress, you need to temporarily stop the Spotify Premium subscription. You can do this through MijnKPN for example. Then, when you order it again, you can activate Spotify Premium with the new e-mailaddress. When Spotify Premium is already activated on a Spotify account (like right now, on your Hotmail Spotify account), you can't activate it agaín with a different account. You really need to stop de subscription for Spotify Premium, so when you order it, you can re-do the activation on the right (Gmail) account.

Maybe you already tried this, but since I cannot find this in your message, I'm addressing this to make sure of it. If you already tried, please let me know, so I can look for other options. 

It is much more complicated. I had Spotify in HKG (I was living in Asia for past 20yrs) which I paid automatically through my HKG Credit Card in Hong Kong Dollars. I could not stop this Visa CreditCard auto-payment since there was an auto-deduction attached to it (which I could not stop). Now that I am in NL again since 1 year, I managed (somehow?) to cancel the Spotify Premium Account which was attached to my hotmail-account. Then, when I signed up again using my gmail account, Spotify or KPN would not let me 'upgrade' as my username was recognized having premium. So I have to listen to adds whilst I want to pay for Premium ....

@Anna Bel I'm sorry to hear that. So it is about stopping the old Premium subscription, which is still active on your account, despite cancelling that contract. Indeed, after your account has been changed to Spotify Free, then you can activate Spotify via your KPN subscription. 

How long ago did you manage to stop that old subscription? Most of the time, Spotify needs about a month to deactivate a stopped subscription from your account, so it becomes a Spotify Free account. 


Is Spotify Premium active with your KPN subscription? And if yes, what happens when you try to activate Spotify Premium? It is in Dutch, but I hope you're able to translate it to English :)