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KPN INTeractive TV was working great until 21 December.  Now when I go to the APP, I can see the menus, see the , record programs, delete recordings, but every time I click on a channel or a saved recording, hit watch now, it comes back with the words:  This video is not available!!!  What has changed in the last few days.  I have reloaded the APP twice now on my phone as well as my IPAD as well as my tablet.


Hi @TV problems, welcome to our forum! Are you still experiencing these issues?

  • Is your google chrome browser up-to-date?
  • Could you try streaming through the webpage?
  • Are you currently in the Netherlands or abroad?

Hi Thomas,

I am in the Netherlands.

On the IPAD when I go to, it still connects, just as before, but now it says:

aan bepaalde restricties wordt niet voldaan. dit kan komen door het geburik van een extra beeldscherm. Verlaag de resolutie in de player opties of ontkoppel hit externe beeldscherm en probeer opnieuw.


On the Samsung Tablet when I go to now, via chrome, it says:


er is een overwachte fout opgetreden.  probeer het later now geens.  1001


And on the Samsung Phone, it now says:

er is een overwachte fout opgetreden.  probeer het later now geens.  1001

I checked chrome on the phone and it shows Android 9, application version 108.0.5359.128


On table Chrome is showing say application versus, but android 13


So now what? Any other ideas?






This error does usually comes up when users are abroad or are using something like a VPN. Are you using a VPN?

Do you get this error too when you're on a different network like someone else’s WiFi or on 4G?

If you only have it on your home network, could you elaborate on your network setup? Are you using any other devices apart from your experiabox?

I found these related topics:


Very strange, but it just started working again. I didn't change anything on any of the devices.  So Im glad it is working, but it had to have been a KPN problem. 

Ah possibly, thanks for the update!

If you have any other questions you know where to find us!