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My phone got stolen, and has been unlocked. The phone (the IMEI) can be blacklisted through the carrier (in this case KPN). This is very common globally. This way the phone is not useful with any other carrier or number, regardless of the location. How can I request this from KPN?

Have you already blocked the sim of your phone through mijnKPN?

Have you already blocked the sim of your phone through mijnKPN?

Yes I have blocked (and retrieved) the SIM. But I need (want) to blacklist the phone through my carrier. 

If I remember correctly that would only be possible if the carrier also simlocks the phone, and KPN doesn't do that. You can go to the website of the police to file a report here 

Every store which buys electronics need to check the website of the police to check if what they are buying is stolen. By filing a report your phone will go in this register.