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I’m trying to purchase an Apple Watch from KPN website, but I always get this message:

Het is niet mogelijk een bestelling te plaatsen.
Er zijn verschillende redenen mogelijk dat je geen multisim abonnement kunt afsluiten. Wegens privacy redenen tonen we dit niet online.

Mocht je de reden willen weten, laat dat via onderstaande button weten en je ontvangt van ons een e-mail met verdere informatie.

I click on “Verstuur e-mail”, but the email message I receive does not contain any reason why the order can’t be placed.

Sorry, uw bestelling is afgewezen

Helaas moeten we uw bestelling afwijzen. Hieronder leest u waarom en wat u kunt doen.

I called KPN customer service, they said it is because the “credit check” can’t be performed because I’m a new customer, and I have to wait for 3-4 months. She also said that if the remaining amount to be installed is less than 250 euros, the transaction would succeed without having to wait for 3-4 months.

My colleagues at work already placed orders from KPN in installments during the first month of their mobile subscription with KPN.

Today I once more tried to purchase the Apple Watch and chose to pay only 240 euros in installments, but I got the same message, so this has nothing to do with the credit check.

Can you please explain why purchasing this device from KPN website is not working for me?


Hi @adventurousexpat, welcome. 

I understand you want to purchase an Apple Watch but for some reason it's rejected. I cant see why. My advice is to call again with 0800-0402 and ask for the department: Credit Risk. My colleague can explain why the purchase is being rejected. 

Thanks @Bart_Z for your reply.

I called Credit Risk team, they checked, and said I have to wait till I pay my second SIM-only subscription invoice. Then I will be able to purchase the Apple Watch.

They said this is because Apple Watch is expensive. I explained that I was willing to pay 624 euros in advance, with the remaining 240 euros only in installments, and still get the same error. They just repeated the same sentence: the Apple Watch is expensive and you have to wait till you pay your second invoice of your SIM-only subscription. I do not 100% trust this answer, but there’s nothing I can do but wait.

I hope to see this info documented somewhere in website: Please @Bart_Z share this feedback with the website team, to mention that new customers have to wait two months to be able to purchase devices from KPN website.

If that was the answer from my colleague, yep than you have to wait untill the next invoice has been paid. There nothing I can do about it. :(

Ofcourse I will share the feedback. Thanks.