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Hello...sorry for my English. I hope that won't be a problem. However, I can read and understand it fairly reasonably.

I'm a cross-over from Ziggo to KPN which went into effect no quite 3 weeks ago (17.12.2019).

When I set up the KPN system everything was working GREAT. I was getting wifi speeds which exceeded my expection's. I was peaking out at 199 Mbp/s with my home wifi and almost 200Mbps on my iPhone. WONDERFUL !!!  Up until two day's ago.  Now I consider myself lucky if I get 45Mbps with my home wifi and around the 60Mbps on my iphone.

I've utilized your WiFi Tuner on the KPN site to try an optimize the WiFi on many occasion's over the last two days but nothing is improving the speed.

I've reset the Experia box a few time's as well. Checked all the cable connection's, etc also to no avail.
I've even disconnected everything and setup KPN like it was from the beginning (out of the box) also with no joy.

TV is working ok. (for your information if needed, I have a Samsung Smart TV).

When I switched over from Ziggo to KPN, the young man (Ron) at your KPN store at Rotterdam Alexander, assured me that KPN guarantees that I will always be getting speeds of 75% of what I pay for which is 200Mbps and I'm not getting anywhere near that speed of 75% of that.

So... what now? Something is definately wrong and I would appreciated a little help on this.

Awaiting your response soonest with kindest regards,



Hi Glenn, I experienced the same a while ago and I had to call service&support before I got what I wanted.

So, please call the helpdesk (0800-0402) and wait for a live person to answer, ignore the robot :)

@mhans .thnx for your reply friend. Was busy hunting all over the place last evening for a telephone number, but it’s very well hidden and couldn’t find it. Thnx again. Have a nice one !  :thumbsup_tone1:

@mhans.thnx for your reply friend. Was busy hunting all over the place last evening for a telephone number, but it’s very well hidden and couldn’t find it. Thnx again. Have a nice one !  :thumbsup_tone1:

Yes, they hide that number deep down in their website.

Make sure you update your profile here on this forum so you can be helped more accurate by the moderators, usually they respond within 2-3 working days.

@mhans ...thnx for the advice. Just updated profile as you suggested.

Actually before calling I think it's a good idea to try and differentiate if this is a problem with the physical connection or if this is a problem with the WIFI (as far as I understand from the text this was only tested with WIFI).

Is it possible for you to (temporarily) hook up you're PC to the modemrouter (experiabox) with a UTP cable and do the speedtest again?  If the bandwidth is good while connected through the UTP cable you might wanna try and play with you're WIFI setting's.

@Zeonz thnx for your reply. Will have to go out an buy a UTP cable tomorow then, but...I don’t really think that’s it (but I’m no expert by all means) because from the 17th of December up to two day’s ago (08.01) everything was going perfect then for no apparent reason it all just went south. Just checked again and it was only 27Mbps. But...I also did a speedtest on my iPhone and got a sweet 190.1Mbps (see photo). Interesting that you said that I might need to play around with my WiFi setting’s. Don’t want to trouble you to give me a tutorial on how to do that (I knew how to when I had Ziggo) but not so sure with KPN. Perhaps there’s a link you can provide that will tell me how to do that? Thnx again for you reply.


Hey G.Hill, welcome! Sorry for ignoring you. That's a rather steep difference. Now, the V10A you have has both 2,4 and 5Ghz frequencies. These have the same SSID so that your devices can more easily switch between whichever is the strongest. However, 2,4Ghz while having a longer reach, also has a lower speed. I think your devices, when they're slow, have switched to the 2,4Ghz. You could split both frequencies by giving them each a separate SSID. That way you can force devices to connect with the 5Ghz for better speeds. 

It's not possible to split them via the WebGUI of the V10A, but it can be done with this service tool (choose Geavanceerd).

@Erik_ Thnx for your reply Erik. KPN sent a technician out this past Friday. A very nice individual and very professional. He was here for almost three hours trying to figure out what was wrong. With the two of us both working together the problem still hasn’t been solved. The Tech finally gave up and apologetically said he didn’t know what was wrong. He worked on the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz to no avail. He recommended that I purchase a WiFi booster which I did on Saturday but again no joy. My speeds where even worse.
I’ve even deleted and reinstalled my system (Win10) and nothing changed. I even deleted my network card in Device Manager, restarted my system (so the network card would be installed again with the latest drivers) and still no better.

Speeds on our devices (2 x iPhone’s, iPad and Samsung Tablet) are all getting constant speeds of 190+ Mbps.

But something strange happened last evening (Sunday). All day long, like all the other days before, my speed was between the 25Mbps-48Mbps, but around 23.00 hour’s I checked my speed and was getting a whopping 190-199.9 Mbps !  Wow !!! I checked it again before I went to bed at around 02.00 hours and was still getting more than 190Mbps. When I woke up this morning I checked it again and the speed was again back down to crawling speed of 20+Mbps (on several times it was only 17Mbps). Any idea’s about that perhaps?

I have an appointment with a gentleman named Fedor at the KPN store in Rotterdam Oosterhof next week Monday (27.01) and we’re going to discuss what’s next. When appointment was made it was with the understanding that if this isn’t solved, then I will cancel my contract with KPN immediately. I hope it don’t come to that.

Thnx again for you reply..

Sorry to hear the tech wasn't able to help. Good to hear you have an appointment at the store next Monday. Let's see, though, if we can look at a few more things in the intervening week. Could you tell me the brand and type of the problem-device? And, also, what sort of wifi booster did you buy?


I've run a check on your connection here and that in itself is fine. As evidenced, also, by the speed tests from the other devices. I would recommend you change the SSID's of the both frequencies as I mentioned earlier and then test that for a few days to see what changes. During that time, connect your problem-device is to both frequencies for longer periods of time to see if the problems occur on both of them.

It's been a week, has your wifi improved? How did the appointment at the store go?Â