I got a call from a KPN in October asking me if I wanted to switch my contract since KPN now has fiber optic (glasvezel) in my area. AT the time I agreed with them that they would also give me free wifi boosters since that is what I had with ziggo at the time. They agreed on the call. Then I agreed to switch over to KPN. I received the modem by mail but not the wifi boosters. I thought the person that comes to install the wifi will also get the boosters with them. When the guy came to install the wifi he mentioned that there is no fiber optic (glasvezel) and I will only get the regular internet. He also did not get the wifi boosters with him. I called KPN to complain and in the call they mentioned that they will not give me the wifi boosters. At that time I told them I want to cancel my KPN account and it should be possible to cancel since it was installed less than a week ago. I was informed that the 14 day period is valid from the time the KPN package is delivered to my place not from the time of installation ! I was encouraged to approach the KPN store and get them to solve my problem. The KPN store refused to help me since I had ordered the connection online ! I consider this cheating on KPN’s behalf and very bad customer service !