Due to coronavirus measures, we have transferred office phone (020-***) to staff personal mobile phone (...) and call center in Korea during lunch time and 17:00~09:00 (+82 800-***)
The main problem is that not all incoming calls are not received/connected.
We have tested 3 times on last Friday (20 March) as follows:
- Call to the office (***) 2 times around 12:28
- Those 2 times of calling were NOT connected and hear automatic voice mail as attached (Dit nummer is niet in gebruik)
- 3rd call is connected well.
The other issue is to check the possibility to switch off *** on forwarding number of 9 lines (020-***) for temporarily period of 1 month.
So that the caller ID is shown when the phone is forward to personal mobile. Only 020-*** is shown when you are calling from all 9 lines.
+31-(0)20-*** is valid or not ?
=> Can you check if this number is valid when I called from my mobile to ***
ARS : This number is not reachable, try it later. (and automatically hung up)
Admin: personal information and phone numbers removed for privacy reasons