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Good day,


Since I have gotten the super wifi 2 points (black ones) they have never worked properly for a longer time. The non primary superwifi gets a green light and the connection works. However at some point it just goes orange and red and can't provide connection anymore until I do something about it.



2x Superwifi 2 version 3.00.31 using the 5ghz frequency band

1x Experia 10 box version V1.01.00T04.0

Hi @khkpn, welcome on our board. 

First of all, let's give the SuperWiFi's a fresh reset. 

  1.  Turn off all SuperWifi points and remove any ethernet cables.
  2. Turn on the first SuperWifi point and let it start up completely.
  3. Reset that first SuperWifi point (hold down the reset button until it blinks red several times) and let it start up completely. After a  hile, the light will turn purple (factory setting). Because there's no cable connection, this SuperWifi point can't communicate with other SuperWifi points and is isolated.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the second SuperWifi point (and then for each additional SuperWifi point). Also, leave the ethernet cable out for this SuperWifi point. All SuperWifi points should now have a purple light.
  5. Now reset the KPN modem (hold down the reset button until everything blinks). Let it start up completely again (give it 15 minutes).
  6. Now connect the first SuperWifi point to the modem using an ethernet cable. The light will first start blinking green and eventually stay constantly green. Give this process time and don't disconnect too early. If the installation is successful, when you disconnect the ethernet cable, the light will remain green.
  7. Repeat step 6 with any other SuperWifi points.
  8. Now you can move the SuperWifi points around the house."

Hey @Alex_P


Thank you for the steps.

It all seems to go correct until the point I connect Ethernet cable again. First of all, both are purple color at that point and once I add one point to Ethernet it blinks while and disables the Wireless light from Experia box V10 and light goes green in wifi point.


However also the 2nd point starts making connection and blinks blue, eventually turns green. When I remove the Ethernet cable then the connection turns red and stays like that.

If I connect Ethernet cable back to the first point then both are green light.


This seems so weird. When you did this, are the WiFI points next to the router? Does it make any difference if you place them a bit further? Lets say 4 meters? 

I'm actually dancing in the dark here, they should work as expected. 

Would you mind if I made an analysys of your network at home? No privacy data involved. If so, would you please fill in your profile with your postal code and house number? Let me know when it's done. 




Hello @Alex_P


I have filled in the details. You can do the analyzing.

When I did the reset, all the equipment were sitting next to each other in the meterkast. I would rather not reset the equipment constantly.

Also, previously I had configured the wifi settings from the modem advanced settings aka didn't disable the wifi from the experia box. I had my 5ghz wifi network renamed differently so I could know to select that wifi for certain equipment. Is there a way to configure this with the Superwifi?

If I check the thuis Kpn app it says only the one not connected to Ethernet is giving 5ghz?

Thank you for filling in your details. 

Would you please switch the SUperWIFI's from location? And before you do, and I know I'm asking much, could you please follow the steps below again? I'm asking this just to be sure that the issue is not in the SuperWiFi's. 

  1.  Turn off all SuperWifi points and remove any ethernet cables.
  2. Turn on the first SuperWifi point and let it start up completely.
  3. Reset that first SuperWifi point (hold down the reset button until it blinks red several times) and let it start up completely. After a  hile, the light will turn purple (factory setting). Because there's no cable connection, this SuperWifi point can't communicate with other SuperWifi points and is isolated.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 with the second SuperWifi point (and then for each additional SuperWifi point). Also, leave the ethernet cable out for this SuperWifi point. All SuperWifi points should now have a purple light.
  5. Now reset the KPN modem (hold down the reset button until everything blinks). Let it start up completely again (give it 15 minutes).
  6. Now connect the first SuperWifi point to the modem using an ethernet cable. The light will first start blinking green and eventually stay constantly green. Give this process time and don't disconnect too early. If the installation is successful, when you disconnect the ethernet cable, the light will remain green.
  7. Repeat step 6 with any other SuperWifi points.
  8. Now you can move the SuperWifi points around the house."