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I have a V10 Router on the ground floor and a Superwifi extender on the first floor. The Superwifi extender is showing a red light. When I reconnect using wps, it lasts only a couple of hours before turning red again. 

When looking up on how to install these again, its showing that two of these should be installed, one at the router and one in the problem area. I was only ever given one when it was installed in January by the engineer. Is this correct?

It was fine for 2 months.

Any help is appreciated.


@Lee Spears No, that is not correct. You should have been offered 2 Superwifi points. 

What you could do is go trough our Wifi Manager, here you could get the offer to buy Superwifi points for a reduced price. 

If you don't succeed here could you let me know? Then I will check if there is anything else I can do! :)

@Rutger_ Thanks for your reply. The connection on the top floor is just enough to get enough signal to watch Netflix. I do not want to spend any more money on another Superwifi. Unless I could get one for very little money. I'm a little annoyed that it wasn't explained on installation that I needed two. However, the guy managed to make one work somehow for a while as I was connected to it.

@Lee Spears I understand that you are a bit annoyed about that. 

The weirdest thing is that you are saying that it has worked. Because one Superwifi point should not work. 

What happens when you do the Wifi Manager? En what is the result you get?