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KPN fiber was installed in my home about 1 week ago by a KPN technician. The two SuperWifi 2s worked okay for about 24 hours and then I started to have random problems (e.g. one would randomly restart and every morning both SuperWifis lights would be red). I followed various instructions in this forum, but have had no luck.  Most recently, I reset the SuperWifi points individually while not connected to the modem (as per instructions). Both were showing purple lights as excepted.

I then proceeded to try to re-establish their connection to my network. I followed the steps, as per the Thuis app. It counts down, but at the end it the disc could not be found. I am sitting right next to the modem so I know my connection to the modem is fine. I have included two screen shots below. I also tried leaving the SuperWifi connected to the modem, with the Ethernet cable, for 30 minutes.  The light on the SuperWifi is green at that moment.

When I disconnect the Ethernet cable, the SuperWifi color immediately goes purple.  This happens with both of my SuperWifi points.

I did read somewhere that the modem may have to be reset. Does that mean simply turned on/off? Or a factory reset?  If a factory reset, I am guessing it will revert to the old WiFi name, password, etc?

My modem is the KPN 12b.





Hi @andrejverity, welcome to our forum!
We have a useful knowledge base article about these things!

If you have any questions let us know!


Admin edit:

The first attempt resetting the superwifis to purple was ok. But then you needed to keep them separated from the v12 (purple and not connected by any ethernet cable) and then at this moment reset the v12 via the reset hole on the back (keep toothpick pressed until all leds go off).

Wait until v12 completely returns and re-instates the wifi information again. Now comes the moment to connect the superwifis via ethernet cable one by one for each about 10min to be sure.

Now when removing the ethernet cable the superwifi should seek wifi connection with the v12 within a minute and turn green. Now it can be repositioned into the home or stay on ethernet again.

It sounds a bit cumbersome but it sounds like the problem hides in the v12 playing the master role over the superwifi units.



Thanks for these links @Thomas. My question still remains though: why are my SuperWifi points not connecting to my router? I have reset to Factory settings & now they will not connect to the router.

Do I need to also reset my modem? (That would be strange...and I do not want to mess something up further & then not have any Internet)

The first attempt resetting the superwifis to purple was ok. But then you needed to keep them separated from the v12 (purple and not connected by any ethernet cable) and then at this moment reset the v12 via the reset hole on the back (keep toothpick pressed until all leds go off).

Wait until v12 completely returns and re-instates the wifi information again. Now comes the moment to connect the superwifis via ethernet cable one by one for each about 10min to be sure.

Now when removing the ethernet cable the superwifi should seek wifi connection with the v12 within a minute and turn green. Now it can be repositioned into the home or stay on ethernet again.

It sounds a bit cumbersome but it sounds like the problem hides in the v12 playing the master role over the superwifi units.


Thanks @BruisTablet . I went through the complete reset process & it seems to be working again now. I did see an instance of my very original problem (SuperWiFis randomly rebooting) - if that continues, at least I can search for a answer to a different question than my current one :) 

Thanks @BruisTablet . I went through the complete reset process & it seems to be working again now. I did see an instance of my very original problem (SuperWiFis randomly rebooting) - if that continues, at least I can search for a answer to a different question than my current one :) 

With v12 and SW2 you will fall into the first category eligible to be upgraded to the new software generation for these devices.  This should take care of the issues earlier experienced. The upgrade when moment is however hard to predict.