Hi @Dev Puniya, welcome! You should probably use our wifi tuner. I will have to say, it's only in Dutch. You will walk through your house and our wifi tuner will check for improvements. It might advise you to get you wifi extenders or a KPN mechanic.
Hi Marcia- Thank you for your response.
I have already use for wifi_tuner, It just changed the channel but no real improvement. When the connection was installed I have been told that if my speed decreases less than 50Mbps I am eligible to receive free WIFI extenders. However, I have never received the desired speed . I am having 100Mbps download and 10Mbps upload of internet connection but my speed hardly goes beyond 45Mbps.
I am not sure if you or your team has visibility to read the speed and test results which I already performed twice. I need someone to contact me to solve this issue asap.
Could you update your forum profile with your zipcode + housenumber and your customer number? I will look into the results from the wifi tuner!
Can you please give me your email so that I can share the details one to one.
Or else you can look at my details in the KPN database.
I should have mentioned that your zipcode, housenumber, customer numbers and ‘persoonlijke opmerkingen’ is only available to you and KPN. So there's no one else who can see it
Hi @Dev Puniya, I wanted to let you know that during the holidays, it could take some more time for us to respond. So if you want quick action, you might want to call us (0800-0402). Merry Christmas!