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Hi, I already have a (DSL) contract with KPN.

Yesterday an engineer from KPN Netwerk finally installed an FTU in our meters room. Today another engineer came and measured the signal. He said that signal is OK and they’ll pass the information to KPN that our house is ready, and that now I need to wait, but he didn’t give any estimation. The postcode checker is still indicating my apartment as not connected.

How long does this process (passing info about new connection from KPN Netwerk to KPN) usually take?

Hi @airatdev! Happy news that the fiber connection has been installed. 😄 I've recently had the same happen in my home, and for me it took about a week. After that I received a text message saying that my connection was ready, and that I could connect the router to the FTU. It depends on when NetwerkNL lets us know the connection is done, and we’re able to activate it. If that hasn't happened after a week yet, you can contact NetwerkNL (all contact options are on the bottom of the page) to ask when everything will be settled. Hopefully the connection will be working soon! 

Thanks @Sanne_M, I hope my experience will be the same. I haven’t received any messages after ~10 days, and I reached KPN Netwerk earlier this week and they told me that usually it takes few days and that I must wait. No news since then for now. I can wait, just hope it’s not stuck on their side forever.

Thanks for keeping me posted @airatdev! Sometimes it does take a bit longer, unfortunately there's no clear time schedule because it depends on how fast NetwerkNL can connect everything. If KPN Netwerk advised you to wait then that's all we can do for now. If you haven't received an update by Friday, I'd advise you to contact them again. It shouldn't happen that the process gets stuck on their side forever, one way or another it will have to go through. Let me know if you run into any problems, or have any questions that NetwerkNL isn't able to answer! 

Friday update: one more week passed and nothing happened on KPNNetwerk side. I reached them out today, here is their quote:

> Hi, there is not any new update yet.

Then waiting it is. I can’t look into their systems or planning, so there's no estimate available to me, nor KPN Netwerk it seems. Fortunately you do have DSL services, so your internet connection works. 🙂 You'll receive a text message and/or an e-mail automatically, when all is ready, so no further effort is needed on your end. I hope it won't take much longer now! 

Good day to everyone stumbling upon this thread. I have no good news for you unfortunately, almost one month has passed since the day FTU was installed in our apartment and the postcode checker is still displaying the apartment as “not connected to fiber”.


My stance remains the same, I’m pretty sure it’s stuck somewhere between KPNNetwerk and KPN sides (due to the apartment being repurposed from a garage and other caveats like wrong cable being dug up initially etc, which I see no point in explaining here), but I have no power to escalate this, as for KPNNetwerk the job was done, but the information has never been transmitted to KPN. And KPN had no means or incentive of contacting KPNNetwerk, as I’ll continue paying for their Internet no matter if they perform upgrade or not. Maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe KPNNetwerk found a loophole in their backoffice and they are now marking apartments as connected without ever transmitting info to KPN, being able to fill in fake new connections quotas faster.


I don’t know what the possible reasonable explanation could be for a month-long post-connection delay. 


When I say “the job was done” I mean that couple days after the installation another technician came, measured the signal on FTU and stated that _everything_ is okay, so whatever the real issue is, there doesn’t seem to be any more work left to make “everything ready”, so waiting is completely pointless. The FTU is there, the switchbox on the street is properly connected, the signal is there, the only reason the whole thing is blocked is some miscommunication between KPNNetwerk and KPN, and lack of basic human kindness on both sides.


The engineers who worked on our street are long gone, few weeks ago I saw them every day, but not anymore. The job was done, the information never got transmitted, and will never be, since everyone left already.


No one has ever called me from both sides despite me constantly asking for help. I would have totally understood the simple “we’re overloaded, your connection will happen in no less than 6 months” answer, as long as it’s honest and predictable. But everyone keeps telling me about “few more days” and it couldn’t be more frustrating than that.


I understand that KPN has no control over this (which is not really true, since as every other business KPN has a choice of which contractors to work with, and as of now they deliberately choose a party for which it’s acceptable to keep customers in darkness for months — remember that my original request had been submitted in June and the only reason I was able to move this through is because I literally managed to catch a KPNNetwerk engineer on the street by pure luck) so I don’t really request any further help.


I will continue learning to live with DSL for the first in my life since like 10 years ago, and I will keep this thread regularly updated as a demonstration of how KPN’s promise about “fiber upgrade for everyone” looks in real life. 


I truly apologise for the tone and I mean no offense for the support agents who do their best, but KPN as an organization doesn’t seem to work at all. And KPN as an organization has to understand the frustration on my side, as I’ve never expected the proper (not 100/30 DSL) Internet connection to take 3+ months in the 21st century.

Hi there, I'm an technician from KPN the provider not the Network but I do know how some things work with the migration between copper and fiber.

When you say that you have an FTU and an engineer from KPNNetwork came to test the signal that is all good news. But what you should know is that KPNNetwork testing a signal means that even though you see only one technician there are actually two. One in your home and one in the pop(street cabinet). They test the actual line and not if there is an connection to the internet. So the installation in your home is finished and done, but the installation in the area pop might need some work. There are unfortunately extreme cases where that takes longer then expected. (In the city of Spijkenisse where I work a lot there was a problem with an area pop they build in and it took almost 3 months)

KPN and KPNNetwork try their best to do as many homes as possible, so I'm sure that they are working on getting your fiber up and running as quick as possible. Until that time you should have an good and stable copper connection. If you have any problems with your current line then let us know. 

I hope you will get connected soon. 

Thanks a lot @Ik_Hussel for the context provided, this really gives me some hope. 

My only concerns are the following: 

  1. The area I’m living in has been connected a long time ago. For example, the apartment above mine had fiber indicated as “connected” on a postcode checker 4 months ago. And during the current iteration (I assume) KPNNetwerk just connects the remaining apartments, but the infrastructure is probably already there. But I don’t know enough about how setup is done on the street cabinet side so I won’t make base any of my conclusions of that.
  2. The installation of my FTU was not planned, since I just approached KPNNetwerk technician who worked in the house next to ours, and he was kind enough to send someone to us in the same day. And now I fear that because they didn’t have our apartment in their “plan for the day” list or something like that, the information never got passed back. For example when I reached KPNNetwerk support the last time, they told me that the latest update to my case has been in July, while the FTU installation happened in August. Again, I don’t know how the communication works between KPNNetwerk and KPN so it’s purely my speculation.
  3. The most concerning thing is that at some point during the FTU installation it turned out that the cable they installed in my apartment was wrong one, and it in fact supposed to go to the apartment above instead. But the technicians told me that it’s fine and they’ll just switch the cables in the street cabinet. Now I’m concerned about this step the most, since there is a chance that something went wrong (for example that the “other” cable never existed) and the cable inside my meters room is still linked to the apartment above, and my apartment doesn’t even exist to their system, since during the initial installation few years ago this apartment didn’t formally exist and was a part of the apartment above. That’s why I’m so worried that the whole case might be stuck, due to apartment not being visible to the system etc.


I’ve spoken to multiple parties and now it’s clear that my speculations were correct and the process it not moving forward and is not going to.

  1. I had a 45 minute chat with KPN Netwerk representative over phone yesterday. Initially they were telling me that my whole neighbourhood is not connected to the fiber according to their internal system, but I pointed at their public map ( which lists this neighborhood as “connected” and also mentioned few postcodes in the area which I know for sure have a working connection. The representative took a look and agreed that it has to be some malfunction in their system. 
  2. Next he told me that my problem is that the address is reported by HBO (Haalbaarheidsonderzoek) department as non-existant. I submitted my HBO request in June 2nd and last time I heard from them was in July, that they “wait for a response from project manager”. And because of that VolkerVessels can’t start “working” on my connection (quotes because the FTU is already there). There is no additional work going on with the street cupboard.
  3. I also spoke to UB Infra (VolkerVessels subcontractor which installed an FTU in my apartment one month ago) and asked if they could update the system. They said no, because the address doesn’t exist for them too (how did they perform the installation then? Does it mean I use someone else’s cable?)
  4. The only action suggested to me was to wait until HBO department adds this apartment to the system. I don’t think this is ever going to happen.

This seems to be a blocked and complicated case (non-existent apartment + lots of parties involved until the job reaches KPN responsibility: KPNNetwerk → VolkerVessels → UB Infra → KPN), and I doubt it would ever move forward unless someone from the higher management notices and escalates this, but let’s be realistic here.

(attaching a picture of the FTU installed in August since it seem to be missing from this thread)


@airatdev Thanks for all the updates, although I'm sorry to hear that no clear date is available yet on when the fibre connection will be finished. I've checked the progress in my systems, and there it says that it's a matter of waiting for the project manager too. Someone should be able to escalate this, especially as other homes in your neighborhood are connected to fibre. KPN Netwerk is in charge of handling the fibre process, so I suggest filing a complaint with them and explaining what you wrote down here. Then they'll contact you about it and hopefully the ball will start rolling after that. Will you keep us posted? I hope the complaint manages to speed things up. 

Thank you @Sanne_M, but I’ve already contacted KPN Netwerk using this form. I’ve already contacted all the possible parties (KPN, KPN Netwerk, VolkerVessels, UB Infra) multiple times, and got no real result in the end. I’ve explained the whole situation (apartment being repurposed in past, FTU being installed, almost all houses on the street having fiber except mine, etc etc) multiple times to every single one of them, everyone sounded sad and understanding, but no one helped me in the end.

I’m really ready to give up at this point, after more than 4 months of trying to get this work I don’t think it’s going to ever move forward. I only waste my time and nerves, I already get an eye twitching every time I see fiber ads from KPN on the street. Or when I open my meters room, since the cable and FTU is there and I feel super miserable and helpless from being blocked by some administrative error because of the house repurpose or whatever. 4 months without fiber. 2 months with FTU in the apartment but no fiber.

Again, I mean no offence for the moderators/support people who are patient enough to help me other the phone/forums/chats/emails, I am very grateful to you all and I understand that it is not in your power to change the system. But at this moment it’s clear that the system itself is faulty and I don’t have enough resources/connections inside any of the parties to bring this to attention of someone higher in the hierarchy who can link all pieces together and start actually moving the process. I have a full-time job and I can’t spend all my time and energy trying to fight the bureaucracy. If there was such an opportunity, I would’ve paid extra to expedite my case, but I was not able to find such thing.

P. S. One of the last resort options suggested by UB Infra was to use my neighbours line, since it seem to be the one they connected FTU in my apartment to. Is it something you, as KPN, can do? I already spoke to the neighbour above and they told me that they went with another provider, so they don’t seem to need this line (but let’s confirm that first). If you confirm that they have no active contract with KPN (same zipcode as mine but number of apartment is mine plus two), then perhaps you could just “upgrade” me to that unused neighbour’s line, which is already in my apartment? That way we could avoid all interactions with the other parties, you’ll just need to send a mechanic who installs an NT, and on your side you change my contract to a different “address”.

It's a very weird situation. In short: your address hasn't been approved for the ‘haalbaarheidsonderzoek’ yet, you ran into one of the engineers before and he connected your apartment, but now it seems that this was the connection and cable meant for your neighbors and your address hasn't passed the HBO yet. You need your own connection, and getting that done is where everything seems to grind to a halt. I can imagine the frustration you feel, seeing all the posters and the fiber connection point in your home when it's been taking a long time to get that done. I'm calling in a helpline, @Ward_ any ideas how this topic starter can get this issue fixed? It concerns an address in a building that's been split up at some point, but checking the address mentioned in the profile it is registered in the BAG kadaster. However, the connection for the upstairs neighbors seems to be connected to @airatdev's apartment. Calling KPN Netwerk doesn't seem to get the ball rolling, so I'm pinning my hopes on you! 

It's a very weird situation. In short: your address hasn't been approved for the ‘haalbaarheidsonderzoek’ yet, you ran into one of the engineers before and he connected your apartment, but now it seems that this was the connection and cable meant for your neighbors and your address hasn't passed the HBO yet. You need your own connection, and getting that done is where everything seems to grind to a halt. I can imagine the frustration you feel, seeing all the posters and the fiber connection point in your home when it's been taking a long time to get that done. I'm calling in a helpline, @Ward_ any ideas how this topic starter can get this issue fixed? It concerns an address in a building that's been split up at some point, but checking the address mentioned in the profile it is registered in the BAG kadaster. However, the connection for the upstairs neighbors seems to be connected to @airatdev's apartment. Calling KPN Netwerk doesn't seem to get the ball rolling, so I'm pinning my hopes on you! 

Hoi @Sanne_M Could you e-mail me the address?

@Ward_ Done! 

Status update: As of November 18th, 2022 (~3 months after FTU installation and opening of this topic, ~6 months after opening a contract with KPN) I'm still using a DSL connection with no indications of an upcoming fiber upgrade. 

Hmm, the ticket has been closed in the meantime I see in my system. @Ward_ Last time we had contact you were going to check some things regarding the address of this customer, did you find out anything? 

Monthly check-in: December 2022.

@Ward_ did you find anything perhaps?


Yes, I did find out that Volker Wessels has been given the order to add the adress to the administration (Haalbaarheidsonderzoek) but so far, nothing has happened, as it seems.

I will send another message to my collegue, the projectleader for The Hague asking him if he can shake things up at Volker Wessels.

Happy New Year to everyone reading this thread! Monthly check-in here. As of January 2023 nothing has changed. 5 months have passed since the day of installation of FTU, 8 months since the day my KPN contract started. No one has contacted me in the last few months, every attempt of initiating the process from my side ends up with promises of further contact from KPN Netwerk, but every time contact never happens and then I learn that tickets suddenly get closed at some point. Rinse repeat.


Haalbaarheidsonderzoek department stopped responding to my emails in October.


> Yes, I did find out that Volker Wessels has been given the order to add the adress to the administration (Haalbaarheidsonderzoek) but so far, nothing has happened, as it seems.


I really appreciate this update, thank you!! My only concern here is that it sounds like the same thing I heard from KPN Netwerk representative in September 2022. So whatever is going on, it's stuck in the same state since a very long time.

@Ward_ can you assist further in this situation ? do let us know