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For the last month we experiencing constant internet dropping. We have a KPN Box 12 , we always have 4 4 green lights and the internet is dropping in both wifi and cable in random times. The problem seems to be solved if i shut down he modem and turn it on again, but after a few minutes the issue appears again. I have tried everything that i could think of like reset and factory reset and everything is updated to latest version. I have reached a point that i suspect the issue has to do with the modem. We are really frustrated and if this is not solved we will change internet providers.  Please advise further.

Hello @P Moutsatsou and welcome here to our Community!

I can understand that you're becoming frustrated. Have you already contacted our customer service (you can reach them on the free number 0800 0402) regarding this matter? From there our colleagues can check your connection and see if there'ssomething wrong. Will you let us know what the outcome was?
