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  1. KPN customer service team is not professional. Agent Niels said upgrade of internet package will be done immediately. Than they send me email that it would be done after 2 weeks. So its a lie on the face to sell more.
  2. When I contacted agent Nathalie disconnected my chat abruptly.
  3. Why KPN is so backward in customer service and technology? Why is it so unprofessional and poor in the way they handle clients?


Hi Vic, welcome on our board. 

Let me start by apologizing for this misleading information. I'm very sorry for the way this went down. I would like to emphasize that we do not mislead our customers on purpose, there is no incentive whatsoever on cross selling these products, especially by ging false information that boomerangs right back to us a bights us in the proverbial ass. I reckon that the person you spoken to made an honest mistake and that the broken chat was a technical issue. 

I you would please fill in your profile, then I can give this feedback back to the person in question. 

Also, let me know if I can help with anything else. 


Vic, haven't heard from you. Let me know if I can still help you with anything.

Hi Alex


With the experience I have had so far, to be honest, I am very upset and disappointed with the way your team has responded.

The place where I come from, if someone says that internet upgrade will take 2 weeks, that company would have got bankrupt.

I am still interested in the upgrade provided it is done with a reasonable time frame. Alternatively I plan to close the account with KPN to move to another vendor by the end of this year when my contract finishes.

Over the last 3 years with KPN, I tried to get support on couple of issues and I must says that all my efforts to get support failed. (1) They took more than 6 weeks to get me a new router when it was not working properly (2) One of my device is still not visible in connected device. I tried to do factory settings but it did not help. KPN did not provide support (3) And despite all this troubles when I tried to upgrade my package, your team says 2 weeks when the comittment was immediate. WHAT YOU WOULD HAVE DONE IF YOU WERE IN MY PLACE?

Looking forward to your reply.






I'm very sorry to hear that, false information was never our aim. 


I think that's personal. For me it isn't that important. It also depends if an engineer is needed for the upgrade in the street cabinet or not or perhaps even one in your home. Of course, it's well within your rights to look at other vendors. Sad to see you go. 

Regarding the other issues: I'm here to help. I can guarantee you that I'll be doing my best to solve any issues where possible. 6 weeks for a new modem is unacceptable, this is usually done within 2 days. 

I'm very sorry to hear that, false information was never our aim. 


I think that's personal. For me it isn't that important. It also depends if an engineer is needed for the upgrade in the street cabinet or not or perhaps even one in your home. Of course, it's well within your rights to look at other vendors. Sad to see you go. 

Regarding the other issues: I'm here to help. I can guarantee you that I'll be doing my best to solve any issues where possible. 6 weeks for a new modem is unacceptable, this is usually done within 2 days. 

But I still dont get it from KPN. How long will it take if I need to upgrade from current 40MBPS to 100MBPS. Yes I understand the logic that shifting from one vendor to another will take the same time as waiting for the upgrade but what I am aiming for- to have better communication and commitment which lacks in KPN team. YES THERE IS ONE WAY I MIGHT GO WRONG- THAT ALL VENDORS WITHIN NETHERLANDS ARE SAME OR BELOW KPN. IN THAT CASE IT IS MY BAD LUCK AND OVER EXPECTATION FROM THE COUNTRY. Do let me know how long do you think it will take to upgrade. You have all the details of address and my requirements. I will also be sad to bid farewell to KPN but it might be for better unless KPN is non-committal and so rigid that they damn care about customer retention.

Let me have a look. Please fill in your details here. I only see your e-mail address now. 

Let me have a look. Please fill in your details here. I only see your e-mail address now. 


Well, the good news is that the upgrade you ordered on the 5th of June has not been cancelled. It's active right now as we speak. I see a download speed of 102 Mbps and upload of 33 reaching your router. 

Are you not seeing this on Use a cable when running the test to be sure. 

Vic, we just spoke on the phone. Let me know what the speedtest says regarding the speed. :)Â