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Had anyone faced the problem of WIFI getting disconnected very frequently whenever I start a Microsoft teams call, whatsapp call,  start a mobile game,  a new device connected to wifi etc,.  Especially in times of Work from home times, it is very noticeable and annoying. I had the same problem when I was with Telfort and I struggled to get that solved with Telfort. Also not the same when Telfort became KPN.

I am not complaining about the speed but the problem with frequent WIFI disconnection.

  1. I have tried changing the channels
  2. Tried the KPN verbeteren option which also does the same , choose the right channel 
  3. Called multiple times customer service, got my modem restarted multiple times. Even today I had called customer service and got my modem restarted . 
  4. Replaced the modem, also now replaced to high speed KPN WIFI modem.
  5. Replaced the glasvezel receiver box.

I saw in the KPN mijmodem , stats i see lot of erros 

 I also see some packet losses


Don’t really know what can I do further? Any suggestions or solutions will really help.


Thanks in Advance. 



Hi @Mohanraj, welcome! It's evident that changing the channel and restarting your device isn't enough to solve this. Do you also have devices that are wired? If so, are you seeing disconnects with them, too?

Would you please, also, fill in your forum profile? I can then take a look at your connection.