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Yesterday we changed to KPN Internet. Everything is set-up and working except for one thing.


My wife uses BaseNet CRM for her work and the BaseNet document synchroniser stopped working when using the KPN Box 12. 

It does work when I reconnect the Experia Box v10 that I still have from my previous internet provider.


My wife contacted her IT support and they informed that BaseNet uses and that some routers/modems do not pass on 

And that might not be not accessible due to settings in the DNS server. 

And that setting an alternative DNS server might allow the BaseNet document synchroniser to work.


Has anyone already resolved this problem and can provide the solution?


Does anyone have suggestions on what settings I should change on the KPN Box 12 to get this working?


I have called KPN helpdesk (1st line support) and they suggested posting the issue here. And if no solution is found then change the KPN Box 12 to a Box v10 at a KPN shop.


My wish is to use the KPN Box 12 as (I assume) it is a more advanced product than the Box v10.

What settings in the KPN Box 12 should I change to get this working?


Thanks for your help with this.

Hi @Matthew1 and welcome to our forum! I'm not sure what DNS settings are needed exactly for BaseNet CRM to work, so changing DNS settings is not something I can provide much support for. However, I can hopefully help you on your way by suggesting you read the solution in this DNS for the Box 12 topic. It's in Dutch, but if you put the hyperlink in Google Translate and click the same URL in the translation box on the right, you'll open it in English (or whichever language you prefer). You can do this for several other topics that seem helpful as well. 

If you’ve figured out how to change the DNS settings, but don't know what to change it to, then I suggest your wife calls her IT support again. If this is a familiar problem they should be able to help you with the DNS settings. 

Hello Matthew, 

I have exactly the same problem here. I switched to KPN glasvezel and now Basenet doesn't work properly anymore. Basenet says it has something to do with KPN, and that KPN has been aware of that for two years now, but KPN says (accordingly to basenet) that it is not their problem. Basenet advised me to go to an ICT-expert to change my settings. Or I can do it myself, if I am good at it myself, accordingly to basenet, but they can not help me with it or provide me with a manuel what to do. 

Have you already been able to fix the problem or have it fixed for you? If yes, how did you do that? Was it difficult, did you do it yourself of did you hire an ICT-expert to change the settings? 

tnx, Mas

Hello Mas,

Yes the problem is solved. The solution was to add an entry to the hosts file on my wife’s computer.

The entry added was a mapping from the ip address to the host name.

The forum does not let me post the values used (It blocks my response to you). If you need the values then email me. My address is *****.

No changes were made to the settings on the KPN Box 12.

This solved the problem with the basenet document synchronizer.

Good luck with it!


Admin: Removed personal data. You can send each other private messages, if you want to talk about this there! 

Hello Matthew,


I saw your message on this forum about BaseNet and the change of the hosts-file. I have the same issue. Could you tell me what I need to include in the hosts-file?




Hi Matthew, 

Unfortunally I have the same issue. 

I’m not sure how to resolve this by changing the hostfile. 
Can you tell me what to add? 

Thank you. 


Unfortunately the KPN forum posting policies prevent me posting the solution.

To get around this I’ve posted the solution on reddit.

Here is a link to the post: