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Internet speed fluctuates and works slow in the morning hours especially upload speed(around 17 MBps).

Teams calls get disconnected frequently. Also recently 2 days back upgraded the plan but still faces problem.

Could you urgently check and updates on it.

Internet speed fluctuates and works slow in the morning hours especially upload speed(around 17 MBps).

Teams calls get disconnected frequently. Also recently 2 days back upgraded the plan but still faces problem.

Could you urgently check and updates on it.

Best you can do when the internet speed starts fluctuating, is start a speedtest with the App, you can download this app for Windows and for MacOS, do note that these sort of tests should be done with a wired connection.

When you tested during the issue, you can share the results in this thread.

What sort of subscription do you have for internet? (Fiber or DSL) ?

@Vikas P. Welcome to our forum. 

Sorry to read that your internet isn't stable in speed. 

And what are you testing on, wifi or with a cable? 

And are you using any other network devices? An other modem, switch or wifi amplifier? 

testing on wifi without any amplifier, in the morning it works well till 10:30 and after that speed degrades mostly. I do not use any other device simultaneously.

I am using only modem provided by KPN for wifi usage.

@Vikas P. And do you know if the speed also fluctuates when used with a cable? 

And are you using a VPN connection on the device you are using internet for? 

Have you also tried to do our Wifi Manager yet? Maybe the connection can be optimized a bit that way. 

I didn’t tried continuously with cable (interconnection connection is at some distant from the room i.e. not so close)as it fluctuates intermittently instantly even looks like even if I try with cable it will not help as such situation happens suddenly.

Even without VPN connection also speed fluctuates much.

I have already used above mentioned wifi manager but looks like it didn’t helped as speed fluctuates suddenly when I will be in work related meeting/calls .

@Vikas P. Could you fill in your forum profile and let me know when you did? 

Then I can try to do some tests to see if the connection to your house is ok. 

I have filled the details.

Please check and update soon.

Hi @Vikas P.,welcome to our forum! I've taken a look at your connection and everything seems fine from this end. This would imply that something on your network is causing these issues.

What devices do you have connected and how did you connect everything?

I am connecting device with wifi device which was shared by KPN.

@Vikas P. So, the device is connected with the modem and there are no other (enhancers, amplifiers, switches) devices in your network? 

And there is only one device that you are connecting and use the internet on? Are you able to test with another device? 

  1. Is the connection better when you are closer to the modem? 
  1. When the wifi connection is slow, are you able to test with a cable at that moment? To see if the speed is only slower on wifi. 

I think connection is better when I am closer to the closet where modem located.

Actually this slow connection case happens in the morning intermittently when I would be busy in the video calls with sudden interruptions.

@Vikas P. If your wifi connection is better closer to the modem then that means that the signal from only the modem is not strong enough. 

You could try to use our Wifi Manager, to see what the results will be, 

I already used WIFI manager but it soesn’t helps much. Kindly suggest

@Vikas P. And what is the advice of the wifi manager? 

For example, does it say you need amplifiers? Of maybe even a mechanic? 


Today when i tested it again it suggest to have Super Wi-Fi .

Is it possible to do a test by adding first super wifi if it really helps for some days before we can take subscriptions for it or plan any other thing?

@Vikas P. I am afraid that is not possible. 

What you can do is order the Superwifi from the Wifi Manager. Because from there you pay a lower price. 

If the Superwifi doesn't solve the problem you can always return them within 14 days and get your money back. 

Hi Rutger, That looks very unfortunate as I had already raised request to increase the speed sometime back hoping that it will resolves the faced issue but it didn’t. 

Do you also have option like monthly subscription for this device for example we can use for few months until it’s needed and after that you can collect it accordingly?


Can you share details on it?

@Vikas P. No, there is no monthly subscription. You can only buy them. And try them, and if you don't like them you can get your money back. 

If you do like them, and maybe in the future you choose a different provider, you can still use them. Since you bought them, they are yours. 

Here you can find the details on the Superwifi points.Â