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Internet speed problem

  • 23 maart 2019
  • 9 reacties
  • 413 keer bekeken

dear ladies and gentlemen
since 2 days my internet is very slow, it only gives me 0.06 mb, i have tried with 2 smartphones but it was the same, i am live in germany


Beste antwoord door Joran

Please see Marina's reply in Ahmadhijazi's topic here: Het internet was snel en heel slecht en traag en nutteloos | KPN Community. The higher speeds were a problem on our end. Unfortunately this is the intended speed for the unlimited bundle. For higher speeds you can consider a 1GB or 100MB bundle, depending on how much data you'd like to use. Prepaid bundels: extra voordelig bellen, sms'en en internetten | KPN
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9 reacties

  • Auteur
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  • 9 reacties
  • 23 maart 2019
dear ladies and gentlemen
since 2 days my internet is very slow, it only gives me 0.06 mb, i have tried with 2 smartphones but it was the same, i am live in germany


  • Oud Moderator
  • 15700 reacties
  • 24 maart 2019
Hi Arisho, sorry to hear you're having problems with the internet connection! What network are you connected to? Does it help to select a different provider manually?

  • Auteur
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  • 9 reacties
  • 24 maart 2019
I’ve connected with Telekom and also with Vodavone
but it was also the same . From 21st,March it was happened.

  • Auteur
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  • 9 reacties
  • 24 maart 2019
Joran schreef:
Hi Arisho, sorry to hear you're having problems with the internet connection! What network are you connected to? Does it help to select a different provider manually?

I’ve connected with Telekom and also with Vodafone but it was the same. From 21st March my internet is very slow

  • Oud Moderator
  • 15700 reacties
  • 25 maart 2019
What kind of speeds did you get before? The Speedtest screenshot is normal if you have the "Onbeperkt Online" or "Zorgeloos Online" bundle. Due to an error these bundles might have had much highers speeds in the past, that 'issue' was recently resolved.

  • Auteur
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  • 9 reacties
  • 25 maart 2019
I have Zorgeloos, but it was already so fast. From 21st march(4 days ago) my internet was so good and fast.
now it opens nothing. Only my messenger works

  • Nieuwkomer
  • 3 reacties
  • 25 maart 2019
Yes ,the internet zorgeloos now it open nothing
Ver very bad

  • Oud Moderator
  • 15700 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 26 maart 2019
Please see Marina's reply in Ahmadhijazi's topic here: Het internet was snel en heel slecht en traag en nutteloos | KPN Community. The higher speeds were a problem on our end. Unfortunately this is the intended speed for the unlimited bundle. For higher speeds you can consider a 1GB or 100MB bundle, depending on how much data you'd like to use. Prepaid bundels: extra voordelig bellen, sms'en en internetten | KPN

  • Auteur
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  • 9 reacties
  • 26 maart 2019
Thank you so much
but what can I do with 1GB, if I watch one Video, 1GB will be finished so fast

I think, we should now throw away our Simcard.

Thank you so much for one year service with KPN.
