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I got a Experia Box v10 modem today, but the DSL has no any lights on the router. As the picture shows.

I’ve already tried both Reset and Restart on my modem, it doesn’t work.

I also changed the DSL cable & plugin, problem still exists.

Could you please help me to check if my internet service enable or is there anything wrong in my network? I updated my profile, so you can see my address.


Hello @unizen 


You get the modem a couple of days in advance, did you also receive a message by mail or SMS that your internet connection has been activated?
If not you should wait for that.

Hello @unizen 


You get the modem a couple of days in advance, did you also receive a message by mail or SMS that your internet connection has been activated?
If not you should wait for that.

Hi @GeSp 

Thanks for answering. Actually I ordered my Internet service on May. And my previous router never work, so I wait for 2 monthes to get a new replacement. My internet connection should be activated already.

Hi @unizen 


That's a long time without a working internet connection.

It can take a couple of days before a KPN moderator can look at the problem.

Maybe you get a sooner result if you call customer service 0800-0402 and explain the problem.

Maybe wires in isra not properly installed.

Hi @unizen, welcome to the forum. The outlet you've connected the modem to, is that the IS/RA-point? The IS/RA is the main connector in the house, the Experia Box needs to be connected to that directly. On our website we have several exaples (in Dutch) of what the ISRA van look like: Wat voor aansluiting heb je?

I also noticed you have your details on your profile, I used those to see what I can see. I was thinking it might be wise to make an appointment with an engineer, buit it looks like that has already been done. I see an appointment fir the 14th. I expect the engineer will fix your connection.