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Dear all,

I have fiber connection with 1gbit/s but every device I connect to the modem with cable cannot get more than 100Mbit/s. I have the kpn box 12. Is one of the ports GB port or all are EP ports? Is there a way to make changes to the ports in order to be able to utilize the speed I am paying for?


It is correct that the VIP 5202 has a connection of 100Mbps as the LAN adapter in the 5202 can only handle 100Mbps.

Have you already used another cable between the V12 and the laptop and have you checked the maximum speed of the LAN adapter in your laptop?

Yes, I have tried 2-3 different cables and regarding the network card of my PC, it is a Gigabit one. I even tried to change the settings from auto-negotiation  to 1 Gigabit full-duplex, but it did not work.

It must be the networkadapter in either the V12 or the laptop or one of the wires in the networkcable that does not make a connection.

What you see in the screenshot is the linkspeed between the devices and that is independent of your subscription.

Also try another LAN port of the V12 and another laptop.

Unfortunately nothing. Trued different PC, different cable, different ethernet port form the router, even tried direct and indirect connection to the router. Nothing. 100MBPS is the highest I can go. Should I assume that there is something with the box?

If multiple cables an multiple machines in different ports all give 100Mbps then yes.

On last thing, also check the link speed on your laptop as it could also be a bug in the firmware showing the wrong link speed.

Hello @Dimitris82! I see @wjb had already tried to give you an answer. Did you check the link speed on your laptop as he suggested? 

Hi denise.

both my laptop and PC have gigabit lan. I changed cables, tried different ethernet ports, direct and indirect connection to the router. The wired connection always gives 100 mbps.

I am crosschecking the speed both through the router interface and through windows just to be sure that there is no bug in the firmware. 

Is there a possibility that this a firmware issue? Because I also read that the box 12 is capable for gigabit ethernet and WPA3 (and I am missing both features). 

But what is the link speed of the network adapter on your PC?

Does that show 100/100 (Mbps) ...


… or 1000/1000 (Mbps)? 


If it shows 1000/1000 (Mbps) then it means the display of the speed in the network map on the V12 is faulty.


Sorry for the Dutch examples.

It shows 100/100 even if the lan card and the router are gigabit capable.

same thing with the laptop. When i connect it with the cable i get instantly 100/100. When i connect it with wifi, i get much higher speeds.

It shows 100/100 even if the lan card and the router are gigabit capable.

And that is always the same and independent of the usage of different laptops/PC's on different LAN ports of the V12 and with different network cables?

I have the connection since 20/12/2021 (give or take). First I checked it was about 15 days ago and since then it is always 100/100. Before that i never had connection greater than 100, so i never cared to check.

What kind of cables did you use, @Dimitris82? Did you use Cat5e and higher?

Hi Denise,


this is what i was checking right now. One of the cables is cat5e, but there is a possibility to be faulty. The other one i tested,by mistake, it was simple cat5.

I will buy 2 new cat6 and test it again.

Very well. Please let us know the results. :)

@Denise_ , unfortunately even with the new cables, the speed cannot go more than 100. Tried 3 different cables (cat6 and cat6A), but the output is the same. I even updated my ethernet card with the latest drivers, but no luck. Is there any other test I can make? Or any setting I can change at the modem?

All right. Let's see what we can do. Could you please fill in your profile? I need your postal code, house number, name and date of birth, and your customer number.

All done. I just updated my profile with the information needed

I can't see anything wrong on our side. I'd like to ask you to follow these steps:

  1. Reset the fiber optic modem. You can do this by unplugging the power cord. Wait at least 2 minutes.
  2. Once this is done, reset the KPN Box 12.


I also have an additional question: Do you use a VPN or no?

Thank you denise. I will try this when I get back home. and let you know.

Regarding VPN, i use it 1-2 times per week but not on a regural basis. When I was testing, VPN was off.

Hi Denise. 

Unfortuntely, same problem. But here comes the the strange thing. I connected a third laptop and it gets the speed it should automatically. So I am coming to conclusion that it is a lan card compatibility thing. (all 3 PCs have different Gigabit Lan cards)

I will by an external lan card, as new as it gets to verify if it works fine. If not, since the wifi provides higher speeds, I will condsider working with a usb wifi adapter in order to sych in much higher speeds.

Glad to read you have discovered the ‘problem’! I wish you luck finding a new LAN card.