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 Is it possible to have your own router without using pppoe? PPPOE makes the WAN single threaded for me and makes IPV6 more complicated than it needs to be. Can we use DHCP 4/6 for WAN?






Hallo, Is het mogelijk om een eigen router te hebben zonder pppoe te gebruiken? PPPOE maakt de WAN single threaded voor mij en maakt IPV6 ingewikkelder dan nodig is. Kunnen we DHCP 4/6 gebruiken voor WAN? Bedankt! Mike

Dit zou inderdaad zeer wenselijk zijn, het feit dat communicatie via pppoe loopt maakt het voor sommige routers onmogelijk de load te verdelen over meerdere cpu-cores, zie bijvoorbeeld:

Is it possible to have your own router without using pppoe?

No that is not possible, kpn always uses pppoe for the connection to Internet.


...and makes IPV6 more complicated than it needs to be...

Why does it make IPv6 more complicated?

Please note that IPv6 uses DHCPv6-PD and should be very easy to implement.

maybe use another small device like a raspberry pi ( or a small/cheap mikrotik router ) to connect to pppoe and bridge that to the other router ( pfsense/opnsense for instance )? just thinking out loud……...

My appologies in advance. This is absolutely me “nit-picking”.


maybe use another small device like a raspberry pi

I can do PPPOE in OPN/PF-Sense. I’ve got a 6 core i5, 64GB RAM (not needed) and Intel server NIC… it does ok 🙂 I’m replacing it with a more appropriately sized device whenever the boat gets here from China… Fanless 4 core N6005, 32GB RAM, 4x Intel 2.5GB NIC (195€, only 7-10W power)


Why does it make IPv6 more complicated?

“Complicated” was probably a poor choice of word on my part.. it comes with “baggage”

  1. It forces the WAN to be single thread
  2. It negates some hardware acceleration in the NIC
  3. Router Advertisement and Prefix delegation never seem to work the same when behind PPPOE
  4. It introduces a latency and extra steps in the chain
  5. IPv6 has to go over IPv4

I saw when I bypassed PPPOE with another provider the internet felt faster and more responsive. With KPN my ping is only 1.6ms currently so I’m not suffering.

  1. It forces the WAN to be single thread
  2. It negates some hardware acceleration in the NIC
  3. Router Advertisement and Prefix delegation never seem to work the same when behind PPPOE
  4. It introduces a latency and extra steps in the chain
  5. IPv6 has to go over IPv4

I don't know what type of hardware accelleration you are talking about but on my EdgeRouter 4 I have IPv6 hardware offloading enabled.

Unfortunately it is not possible to enable hardware offloading for both pppoe and vlan.

I have no issues with router advertisements and prefix delegation on the network behind my EdgeRouter 4.

The overhead of pppoe is marginal and I don't have any problems with latency.

I don't know what type of hardware accelleration you are talking about ...

The overhead of pppoe is marginal and I don't have any problems with latency.

We’re definitely talking about fractions of a millisecond here… but a 0.2ms drop in latency to my DNS (for example) is 16%. The documentation is not great on it but there’s hardware acceleration for things like NAT, flow control, queuing, vlans, pppoe, error checking.

I found this and it seems faster (I tested on OPNSense but I’ll leave the PF link for info)...