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I have service desk for a year and paying additional amount every month. I never get connected to the ‘Service Desk’ even though I call from the registered mobile. That is the case for last 1+ year. Can you please resolve this? I am paying this amount and stll wait for the long time

admin: edited title for clearity 

Is your phone number sent to the receiver when you call with your mobile?

Welcome @techie_haag, Thank you for contacting us!

When you’re calling with the number that is registered by us and caller ID is activated, then your call should be put through directly to our KPN Service Plus desk. The question of PeterG is a good one: can you please check if caller ID is activated?

Thanks for the response. Yes, caller id is activated. This issue exists for the last 8+ months. I have reported several time to the service desk. 

There is no resolution provided and they cannot open an incident or service request for the closure.

That's strange… Can you please fill in your Forum profile ← ? Please enter your full name, zipcode and housenumber, customer number and your mobile number. Can you give the topic a bump when you have filled in your information?

I will do my best to see what I can do, to resolve this problem.

Hi Shyrin


Appreciated your fast response. I updated the details in the profile. Can you please check now?


Please note, this issue started happening when I switched from Personal to Business subscription. During the personal subscription, the call from the registered mobile number would always get connected to ServiceDesk. I have raised this issue several times without any resolution. The ServiceDesk and Customer Service Team recognize the issue, however never solved it unfortunately. 

Please resolve this for once and all. Thanks

Yes, thank you for your details and your note. I will do my best: as soon as I have an update, I will inform you! 

I don't have an update yet, we're on it! 

Can i get the resolution/update on this? 

We are still working on this, @techie_haag. For now I don't have a concrete solution or term for you, so for now when you contact our Customer Service your call will still have to be transferred to the KPN Service Plus Desk. When I’ve an update, i will definitely inform you.


Hi Shyrin

I understand. My issue are:

  • Key Reason I bought Service Desk for dedicated Technical desk (w/o any waiting time)
  • I have raised this issue at least 10 times without any resolutiuon. Everytime I am assured , will inform the correct department and issue will be resolved.  It never happened

In the end, I am paying the amount without key benefit for me. Request you to please get this fixed with proper resolution.  

Trust you appreciate my concern and will help for the resolution.

