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How to activate my simcard?

  • 28 augustus 2022
  • 8 reacties
  • 2040 keer bekeken

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  • 2 reacties

Hello there, I have a KPN Sim card that is not yet activated & I don't know how to activate it, any help?

Beste antwoord door RBxx

Hi @Amar4 , as you've placed your question in the sub-board "Prepaid”, there's a fifth option.

Did you buy a prepaid simcard in the Netherlands and did you take it with you abroad without first activating it in the Netherlands? In that case you'll need help from moderator @Marcia_ who can activate it for you.

Put the phonenummer (06xxxxxxxx) and the simcardnumber in your forumprofile. Use the field "Persoonlijke opmerkingen”, which is only visible for you and KPN and save your input by pressing “Sla wijzigingen op” at the bottom of the page.


Admin: closed this topic, if you are experiencing this issue, please make a new topic and fill in your profile

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Dit topic is gesloten. Staat je antwoord hier niet bij, gebruik dan de zoekfunctie van de Community of stel je vraag in een nieuw topic.

8 reacties

Marcia van KPN

Hi @Amar4, welcome! Why did you receive this simcard? Do you have a new subscription or is your old simcard not working anymore? You can find the 4 possible options on our website: 1. KPN advised me to swap simcards, 2. I have a new subscription, 3. I renewed my subscription, 4. I just needed to change simcards.

  • Superuser
  • 17443 reacties
  • Antwoord
  • 29 augustus 2022

Hi @Amar4 , as you've placed your question in the sub-board "Prepaid”, there's a fifth option.

Did you buy a prepaid simcard in the Netherlands and did you take it with you abroad without first activating it in the Netherlands? In that case you'll need help from moderator @Marcia_ who can activate it for you.

Put the phonenummer (06xxxxxxxx) and the simcardnumber in your forumprofile. Use the field "Persoonlijke opmerkingen”, which is only visible for you and KPN and save your input by pressing “Sla wijzigingen op” at the bottom of the page.


Admin: closed this topic, if you are experiencing this issue, please make a new topic and fill in your profile

  • Auteur
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  • 2 reacties
  • 29 augustus 2022
RBxx schreef:

Hi @Amar4 , as you've placed your question in the sub-board "Prepaid”, there's a fifth option.

Did you buy a prepaid simcard in the Netherlands and did you take it with you abroad without first activating it in the Netherlands? In that case you'll need help from moderator @Marcia_ who can activate it for you.

Put the phonenummer (06xxxxxxxx) and the simcardnumber in your forumprofile. Use the field "Persoonlijke opmerkingen”, which is only visible for you and KPN and save your input by pressing “Sla wijzigingen op” at the bottom of the page.

Ik heb dit gedaan, hoe lang moet ik wachten?

Sorry voor mij slechte spraak, ik kan Engels beter omdat ik woon in Engeland nu.

  • Superuser
  • 17443 reacties
  • 29 augustus 2022

Hi @Amar4 

I've brought this topic to the attention of the forum moderators. I'm hoping for a quick response.

Shyrin van KPN
  • Community Manager
  • 7007 reacties
  • 29 augustus 2022

Thank you very mucht, @RBxx!

I have activated the simcard for you, @Amar4. Please switch your phone off and on, then you should be able to use the simcard.

  • Auteur
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  • 2 reacties
  • 29 augustus 2022

@Shyrin_ Thanks for the activation of my SIM card. Just wanted to point out I still struggle to call UK numbers, any reasons why?


Amar Saidik.

  • Nieuwkomer
  • 1 reactie
  • 25 oktober 2022

Hello, could you please help me activate sim card outside the Netherlands?

  • Superuser
  • 17443 reacties
  • 5 juli 2023

Hi @Farris 

As the admin indicated above: “closed this topic; please make a new topic and fill in your profile

RBxx schreef:
Put the phonenummer (06xxxxxxxx) and the simcardnumber in your forumprofile. Use the field "Persoonlijke opmerkingen”, which is only visible for you and KPN and save your input by pressing “Sla wijzigingen op” at the bottom of the page.