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Experia Box v10A handleidingen

  • 18 oktober 2018
  • 6 reacties
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De Experia Box v10A handleidingen zijn er! Handleiding Experiabox V10a



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6 reacties

  • Auteur
  • 149 reacties
  • 19 oktober 2018

Deze info komt van uit de modem zelf:
Firmware Version: v5.00.17 build184

IP Address
The "IP address" is the Internal IP address of the Experia Box v10A. To access the advanced setup interface, type this IP address into the address bar of your browser. This address can be changed if needed. To change the IP address, type in the new IP address and click "Save settings". The IP address you choose should be a non-routable IP. Examples of a non-routable IP are:
192.168.y.x (where y is anything between 0 and 255, and x is anything between 1 and 254.)
10.y.y.x (where y is anything between 0 and 255, and x is anything between 1 and 254.)
172.z.y.x (where z is anything from 16 to 31, and y is anything between 0 and 255, and x is anything between 1 and 254.)

IP Subnet Mask
There is no need to change the subnet mask. It is possible to change the subnet mask if necessary. Only make changes to the subnet mask if you specifically have a reason to do so.

DHCP Server (IP Address Pool)
The DHCP server function makes setting up a network very easy by assigning IP addresses to each computer on the network. The DHCP Server can be turned off if necessary. Turning off the DHCP server will require you to manually set a Static IP address in each computer on your network. The IP pool is the range of IP addresses set aside for dynamic assignment to the computers on your network. The default is 2-100 (99 computers) if you want to change this number, you can by entering a new starting and ending IP address and clicking on "Save settings".

Local Domain Name
You can set a local domain name (network name) for your network. There is no need to change this setting unless you have a specific advanced need to do so. You can name the network anything you want such as "MY NETWORK".


Dynamic IP
A dynamic connection type is the most common connection type found with cable modems. Setting the connection type to dynamic in many cases is enough to complete the connection to your ISP. Some dynamic connection types may require a Host Name. You can enter your Host Name in the space provided if you were assigned one. Your Host Name is assigned by your ISP. Some dynamic connections may require that you clone the MAC address of the PC that was originally connected to the modem. To do so, click on the "Change WAN MAC address" link in the screen. The Internet Status indicator will read, "Connected" if your Experia Box v10A is set up properly.

Static IP
A Static IP address connection type is less common than other connection types. If your ISP uses static IP addressing, you will need your IP address, Subnet Mask, and ISP gateway address. This information is available from your ISP or on the paperwork that your ISP left with you. Type in your information then click "Save settings". After you apply the changes, the Internet Status indicator will read, "Connected" if your Experia Box v10A is set up properly.

Most DSL providers use PPPoE as the connection type. If you use a DSL modem to connect to the Internet, your ISP may use PPPoE to log you into the service. If you have an Internet connection in your home or small office that doesn't require a modem, you may also use PPPoE. Your connection type is PPPoE if:
1) Your ISP gave you a user name and password which is required to connect to the Internet
2) Your ISP gave you software such as WinPOET, Enternet300 that you use to connect to the Internet
3) You have to double-click on a desktop Icon other than your browser to get on the Internet

To set the Experia Box v10A to use PPPoE, type in your User Name and Password in the spaces provided. If you do not have a Service Name or do not know it, leave the Service Name field blank. After you have typed in your information, click "Save settings". After you apply the changes, the Internet Status indicator will read, "Connected" if your Experia Box v10A is set up properly. For more details on configuring your Experia Box v10A to use PPPoE, see the user manual.

MTU Setting
The MTU setting should never be changed unless your ISP gives you a specific MTU setting. Making changes to the MTU setting can cause problems with your Internet connection including disconnection from the Internet, slow Internet access and problems with Internet applications working properly.

Disconnect after X...
The Disconnect feature is used to automatically disconnect the Experia Box v10A from your ISP when there is no activity for a specified period of time. For instance, placing a checkmark next to this option and entering 5 into the minute field will cause the Experia Box v10A to disconnect from the Internet after 5 minutes of no Internet activity. This option should be used if you pay for your Internet service by the minute.

DNS is an acronym for Domain Name Server. A Domain Name Server is a server located on the Internet that translates URL's (Uniform Resource Locator) like to IP addresses. Many ISP's do not require you to enter this information into the Experia Box v10A. The "Automatic from ISP" checkbox should be checked if your ISP did not give you a specific DNS address. If you are using a Static IP connection type, then you may need to enter a specific DNS address and secondary DNS address for your connection to work properly. If your connection type is Dynamic or PPPoE, it is likely that you do not have to enter a DNS address. To enter the DNS address settings, uncheck the "Automatic from ISP" checkbox and enter your DNS entries in the spaces provided. Click "Save settings" to save the settings.

MAC Address
MAC is an acronym for Media Access Controller. All network components including cards, adapters, and routers, have a unique "serial number" called a MAC address. Your ISP may record the MAC address of your computer's adapter and only let that particular computer connect to the Internet service. When you install the router, the Experia Box v10A's own MAC address will be "seen" by the ISP and may cause the connection not to work. Belkin has provided the ability to clone (copy) the MAC address of the computer into the Experia Box v10A. This MAC address, in turn, will be seen by the ISP's system as the original MAC address and will allow the connection to work. If you are not sure if your ISP needs to see the original MAC address, simply clone the MAC address of the computer that was originally connected to the modem. Cloning the address will not cause any problems with your network.
To Clone your MAC address, make sure that you are using the computer which was ORIGINALLY CONNECTED to your modem before the Experia Box v10A was installed. Click the "Clone MAC address" button. Click "Save settings". Your MAC address is now cloned to the Experia Box v10A.


To change the channel of operation of the Experia Box v10A, select the desired channel from the drop-down menu and select your channel. Click "Save settings" to save the setting. You can also change the SSID. The SSID is the equivalent to the wireless network's name. You can make the SSID anything you want to. If there are other wireless networks in your area, you should give your wireless network a unique name. The default is To change the SSID, click inside of the SSID box and type in a new name. Click "Save settings" to make the change.

Broadcast SSID
It is possible to make your wireless network nearly invisible. By turning off the broadcast of the SSID, your network will not appear in a site survey. Site Survey is a feature of many wireless network adapters on the market today. It will scan the "air" for any available network and allow the computer to select the network from the site survey. Turning off the broadcast of the SSID will help increase security.

Wireless Mode
This switch allows you to set the Experia Box v10A's wireless modes.

There are four modes in 2.4GHz band.
1) Off
This mode will turn OFF the Experia Box v10A's access point, so no wireless devices can join the network. Turning off the wireless function of your Experia Box v10A is a great way to secure your network when you are away from home for a long period of time, or don't want to use the wireless feature of the Experia Box v10A at a certain time.
2) 802.11g only
Setting the Experia Box v10A to this mode will allow only 802.11g-compliant devices to join the network, keeping out any slower 802.11b devices.
3) 802.11n only
Setting the Experia Box v10A to this mode will allow only 802.11n-compliant devices to join the network, keeping out any slower 802.11b and 802.11g devices.
4) 802.11n & 802.11g & 802.11b
Setting the Experia Box v10A to this mode will let 802.11n-, 802.11g-, and 802.11b-compliant devices to join the network.

There are four modes in 5GHz band.
1) Off
This mode will turn OFF the Experia Box v10A's access point, so no wireless devices can join the network. Turning off the wireless function of your Experia Box v10A is a great way to secure your network when you are away from home for a long period of time, or don't want to use the wireless feature of the Experia Box v10A at a certain time.
2) 802.11a only
Setting the Experia Box v10A to this mode will only allow 802.11a-compliant devices to join the network.
3) 802.11n only
Setting the Experia Box v10A to this mode will allow only 802.11n-compliant devices to join the network, keeping out any slower 802.11b and 802.11g devices.
4) 802.11a & 802.11n
Setting the Experia Box v10A to this mode will allow 802.11a and 802.11n-compliant devices to join the network.

Protected Mode
NOTE: In most situations, best performance (throughput) is achieved with Protected Mode OFF. If you are operating in an environment with HEAVY 802.11b traffic or interference, best performance may be achieved with Protected Mode ON.

QoS (Quality of Service) Configuration
QoS prioritizes important data on your network such as multimedia content and voice-over-IP (VoIP) so it will not be interfered with by other data being sent over the network. Based on 802.11e, this feature can be turned on or off and you can choose the acknowledgement mode you want to use. If you plan to stream multimedia content or use VoIP on your network, the QoS feature should be enabled.

Guest Access
Guest Access allows access to the Internet thru the WAN port, but limits guests from accessing the internal network, LAN and WLAN. The feature is supported on 2.4GHz only to simplify use.

Wireless MAC-Filter
The MAC address filter is a powerful security feature that allows you to specify which computers are allowed on the wireless network. Note: This list applies only to wireless computers. This list can be configured so any computer attempting to access the wireless network that is not specified in the filter list will be denied access. When you enable this feature, you must enter the MAC address of each client (computer) to which you want to allow network access. The "Block" feature lets you turn on and off access to the network easily for any computer without having to add and remove the computer's MAC address from the list. Setting up an Allow Access List 1 Click "Allow" to start to set a list of computers that can connect to a wireless network.
2. Next, in the "MAC Address" field that is blank (3), type in the MAC address of the wireless computer you want to be able to access the wireless network, then click "Add" (4). 3. Continue to do this until all of the computers you want to add have been entered.
4. Click "Save settings" (5) to finish. Setting up a Deny Access List The "Deny Access" list lets you specify computers that you DO NOT want to access the network. Any computer in the list will not be allowed access to the wireless network. All others will. 1.Select the "Deny" radio button (2) to begin setting up a list of computers to be denied access to the wireless network.
2. Next, in the "MAC Address" field that is blank (3), type in the MAC address of the wireless computer you want to deny access to the wireless network, then click "Add" (4).
3. Continue to do this until all of the computers you want to deny access to have been entered.
4. Click "Save settings" (5) to finish.


Port Mapping
This function will allow you to route external (Internet) calls for services such as a web server (port 80), FTP server (Port 21), or other applications through your Experia Box v10A to your internal network. Since your internal computers are protected by a firewall, machines from the Internet cannot get to them because they cannot be "seen". If you need to configure the Virtual Server function for a specific application, a list of common applications has been provided. If your application is not listed, you will need to contact the application vendor to find out which port settings you need. To select from the provided list, select your application from the drop-down list. Select the row that you want to copy the settings to from the drop-down list next to "to row", then click "Enter". The settings will be transferred to the row you specified. Click "Save settings" to save the setting for that application. To manually enter settings, enter the IP address in the space provided for the internal (server) machine, the port(s) required to pass (use a hyphen between multiple ports), select the port type (TCP or UDP) and click "Save settings". You can only pass one port per internal IP address. Opening ports in your firewall can pose a security risk. You can enable and disable settings very quickly. It is recommended that you disable the settings when you are not using a specific application.

Special Application
Some applications require multiple connections, such as Internet gaming, video conferencing, Internet telephony, and others. These applications cannot work when Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled. If you need to run applications that require multiple connections, specify the port normally associated with an application in the "Trigger Port" field, select the protocol type as TCP or UDP, then enter the public ports associated with the trigger port to open them for inbound traffic.
Note: The range of the Trigger Port is 1 to 65535.

The Experia Box v10A provides extensive firewall protection by restricting connection parameters to limit the risk of hacker attack, and defending against a wide array of common attacks. However, for applications that require unrestricted access to the Internet, you can configure a specific client/server as a demilitarized zone (DMZ).

Firewall features
Enable Firewall, IDS (IDS, DDoS, blocking WAN Ping) and WEB Filter
Enable Firewall and IDS (IDS, DDos and blocking WAN Ping), Disable WEB Filter
Enable Firewall, Disable IDS (IDS, DDoS and blocking WAN Ping) and WEB Filter
Disable Firewall, IDS (IDS, DDoS, blocking WAN Ping) and WEB Filter

WebFilter features
Experia Box v10A's WEB Filtering feature, in addition to providing keyword filtering for the main URL and Host fields, also provides four additional filtering features: Proxy, Java, ActiveX and Cookies. By providing these diverse filtering capabilities, the user is protected in multiple ways.
Proxy Filter
This filtering is mainly for the HTTP proxy service, so the detected port is the common port (80, 3128, 8080, 8000) of the proxy server.
Java Filter
This filtering is mainly directed to the content of the web page, and detects whether the host on the LAN side is downloading a Java file with ".js", ".class", and ".jar" as the suffix.
ActiveX Filter
This filtering is mainly directed to the content of the web page, and detects whether the host on the LAN side is downloading an ActiveX file with ".ocx", ".cab" as a suffix.
Cookies Filter
This kind of filtering is mainly to find whether there is a "Cookie" field in the HTTP protocol header in the HTTP request (GET/POST/HEAD).

MAC Filter
MAC Filter allows you to limit navigation time for each computer, tablet and laptop in your home network. Define a slot during which each device can connect to the internet. This will automatically determine when your children can surf or not. You can add a mac list from Overview->Connected device

Access Control
The Experia Box v10A can be configured to restrict/allow access to the Internet, email, or other network services at specific days and times. Restriction can be set for a single computer, a range of computers, or multiple computers. Press "Add" button to use this feature.

Schedule Rule
Each access control rule can be activated at a pre-defined scheduled time. You may define the schedule in the "Schedule Rule" page and apply the rules on the "Access Control" page.

The DMZ feature allows you to specify one computer on your network to be placed outside of the NAT firewall. This may be necessary if the NAT feature is causing problems with an application such as a game or video conferencing application. Use this feature on a temporary basis. The computer in the DMZ is not protected from hacker attacks. To put a computer in the DMZ, enter the last digits of its IP address in the IP field and click the checkbox of DMZ function. Click "Save settings" for the change to take effect.

Block ICMP Ping
Computer hackers use what is known as "Pinging" to find potential victims on the Internet. By pinging a specific IP address and receiving a response from the IP address, a hacker can determine that something of interest might be there. The Experia Box v10A can be set up so it will not respond to an ICMP Ping from the outside. This heightens the level of security of your Experia Box v10A. To turn off the ping response, select "Block ICMP Ping" and click "Save settings". The Experia Box v10A will not respond to an ICMP ping.

Security Log
System Log provide system level message.
Firewall Log displays any illegal attempts to access your network.

Using Dynamic DNS
The Dynamic DNS service allows you to alias a dynamic IP address to a static host name in any of the many domains offers, allowing your network computers to be more easily accessed from various locations on the Internet. provides this service, for up to five host names, free to the Internet community.
The Dynamic DNSSM service is ideal for a home website, file server, or to make it easy to access your home PC and stored files while you're at work. Using the service can ensure that your host name always points to your IP address, no matter how often your ISP changes it. When your IP address changes, your friends and associates can always locate you by visiting instead!
To register free for your Dynamic DNS host name, please visit
Setting up the Experia Box v10A's Dynamic DNS Update Client
You must register with's free update service before using this feature. Once you have your registration, follow the directions below.
1. Enter your user name in the "User Name" field (1).
2. Enter your password in the "Password" field (2).
3. Enter the domain name you set up with in the "Domain Name" field (3).
4. Click "Update Dynamic DNS" to update your IP address.
Whenever your IP address assigned by your ISP changes, the Experia Box v10A will automatically update's servers with your new IP address. You can also do this manually by clicking the "Update Dynamic DNS" button.


Administrator Password
The Experia Box v10A ships with NO password entered. If you wish to add a password for more security, you can set a password here. Keep your password in a safe place, as you will need this password if you need to log into the Experia Box v10A in the future. It is also recommended that you set a password if you plan to use the Remote management feature of this Experia Box v10A.
The login timeout option allows you to set the period of time that you can be logged into the Experia Box v10A's advanced setup interface. The timer starts when there has been no activity. For example, you have made some changes in the advanced setup interface, then left your computer alone without clicking "Logout". Assuming the timeout is set to 5 minutes, then 5 minutes after you leave, the login session will expire. You will have to login to the Experia Box v10A again to make any more changes. The login timeout option is for security purposes and the default is set to 5 minutes. As a note, only one computer can be logged into the Experia Box v10A's advanced setup interface at one time.

Time and Time Zone
The Experia Box v10A keeps time by connecting to a Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) server. This allows the Experia Box v10A to synchronize the system clock to the global Internet. The synchronized clock in the Experia Box v10A is used to record the security log and control client filtering. Select the time zone that you reside in. If you reside in an area that observes Daylight Saving, then place a checkmark in the box next to "Enable Daylight Saving". The system clock may not update immediately. Allow at least 15 minutes for the Experia Box v10A to contact the time servers on the Internet and get a response. You cannot set the clock yourself.

Remote Management
Before you enable this function, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SET THE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD. Remote management allows you to make changes to your Experia Box v10A's settings from anywhere on the Internet. There are two methods of remotely managing the Experia Box v10A. The first method is to allow access to the Experia Box v10A from anywhere on the Internet by selecting "Any IP address can remotely manage the Experia Box v10A". By typing in your WAN IP address from any computer on the Internet, you will be presented with a login screen where you need to type in the password of your Experia Box v10A. The Second method is to allow a specific IP address only to remotely manage the Experia Box v10A. This is more secure, but less convenient. To use this method, enter the IP address you know you will be accessing the Experia Box v10A from in the space provided and select "Only this IP address can remotely manage the Experia Box v10A". Before you enable this function, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you set your administrator password. Leaving the password empty will potentially open your Experia Box v10A to intrusion.

UPnP (Universal Plug-and-Play) is a technology that offers seamless operation of voice messaging, video messaging, games, and other applications that are UPnP compliant. Some applications require the Experia Box v10A's firewall to be configured in a specific way to operate properly. This usually requires opening TCP and UDP ports and in some instances setting trigger ports. An application that is UPnP compliant has the ability to communicate with the Experia Box v10A, basically "telling" the Experia Box v10A which way it needs the firewall configured. The Experia Box v10A ships with the UPnP feature disabled. If you are using any applications that are UPnP compliant, and wish to take advantage of the UPnP features, you can enable the UPnP feature. Simply select "Enable" in the "UPnP Enabling" section of the Utilities page. Click "Save settings" to save the change.

Automatic Firmware Update Notification
The Experia Box v10A has the capability built-in to automatically check for a new version of firmware and alert you that the new firmware is available. When you log into the Experia Box v10A advanced interface, the Experia Box v10A will perform a check to see if new firmware is available. If new firmware is available, you will be notified. You can choose to download the new version or ignore it. The Experia Box v10A ships with this feature disabled If you want to enable it, select "Enable" and click "Save settings".


Wireless Security
Using Encryption can help secure your wireless network. Only one type of security may be selected at a time. Therefore the customer must select a mode that is supported on all network devices on the wireless network. This Belkin product has 4 possible Security settings:

Disabled. No encryption is enabled in this mode. Open networks where all users are welcome sometimes prefer not to enable encryption. welcome sometimes prefer to not enable encryption.

WPA/WPA2-Personal(PSK). WPA/WPA2 (Wireless protected Access) PSK is a recent standards-based security technique where each packet of information is encrypted with a different code, or key. Since the key is constantly changing, WPA/WPA2 is very secure.

a. TKIP verses AES. WPA uses TKIP as the encryption method while WPA2 uses AES. AES is a new encryption technique based on 802.11i standard and is the only security method allowed when using 802.11n.

b. Pre-shared Key. The key must be between 8 and 63 characters long and can include spaces and symbols, or 64 Hex (0-F) only. The same PSK must also be used for every other wireless network device on the network. Watch out for upper and lower case differences ( "n" is different than "N"). Remember, the easiest way to break your security is for someone to guess your PSK.

128-bit WEP. Until recently, 128-bit WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) was the standard for wireless encryption. If not all of your wireless devices support WPA, 128bit WEP still offers very good security option. It will require you to enter hex numbers, or you can generate them automatically.

64-bit WEP. Belkin only recommends 64-bit mode on networks where some devices do not support either WPA or 128bit WEP.



Admin: lees hier alles over de Experia Box V10a, van specificaties tot instellingen

  • Oud Moderator
  • 8191 reacties
  • 20 oktober 2018
Yes, bedankt voor het delen Real1ty 🙂

  • Auteur
  • 149 reacties
  • 21 oktober 2018
Experia Box v10A handleidingen

In sommige handleidingen zitten fouten o.a.:

> Start installatie
- Oude wandcontactdoos tijdens aansluiten (je heb de oude en een nieuwere wandcontactdoos versie)

> Verbinden met wifi
- Gaan ze naar de v10 versie (ZTE - ZXHN -H369A)

De Experia Box instellen
> WPS functie lampje
- Knippert blauw / roze (Firmware Version: v5.00.17 build184)

> Inloggen in het Experia Box menu
- Wachtwoord staat op de achterkant van de Experia Box.

En de natuurlijk de Servicetools, die werkt nu nog niet met de v10A.

  • Oud Moderator
  • 8191 reacties
  • 22 oktober 2018
Yup, dat klopt. We werken nog aan een de Servicetool. Scherp opgemerkt 😉 ik geef je feedback door. Mogelijk dat er ook al een aantal van die punten bij ons op de lijst staan om (binnenkort) aan te passen. We hebben ook een topic waar we V10 A feedback centraal hebben staan. Die had je vast al gezien 🙂

  • Auteur
  • 149 reacties
  • 28 oktober 2018
Ter info, een paar Servicetool werken nu
Servicetool Verbeter je WiFi (nog niet helemaal goed o.a. handmatig opnieuw opstarten)

Vind de servicetool voor jouw probleem
Los je WiFi probleem op
- Pas je WiFi-naam en wachtwoord aan
- Servicetool WiFi-kanaal wijzigen (geeft voorkeur aan)
- Je KPN FON in- en uitschakelen
Uit onze meting blijkt dat je Experia Box (modem) geen KPN WiFi met Fon ondersteunt.
- Wifi tuner (ik kon na gebruik, niet meer weg bellen (bezet toon) modem moeten restten?)

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • Nieuwkomer
  • 1 reactie
  • 23 juni 2020


In de handleiding staat:

b. Pre-shared Key. The key must be between 8 and 63 characters long and can include spaces and symbols, or 64 Hex (0-F) only. 

Maar als ik een WPA Pre-shared Key invul met spaties daarin dan krijg ik de melding: says:

WPA Pre-shared Key can not have space.


Is dit wellicht per ongeluk verkeerd upgeupdate? Ik zou bij voorkeur een wachtwoord met daarin ook spaties gebruiken.

Zit nu op Experiabox V10A Model VRV9517 firmware versie v5.00.31 build420