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KPN Box 12 - SuperWifi V1 voor V2 omruilen?

  • 17 november 2023
  • 8 reacties
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We zijn ook geupdatet naar de nieuwste softwareversie van KPN Box 12 - erste .38 en nu ook .39, ook al hebben we 2 witte SuperWifi-extenders.

@Paul_ @Rutger_ Hoe kunnen we SuperWifi v1 omruilen voor v2?

Of mischien mijn vrouw zich aanmeldt voor een "nieuw" KPN-contract en promo 2 superwifi v2-extenders krijgt 🙄

Beste antwoord door Erik van KPN

Hi @techcode, you should indeed not have been selected for upgrade. I have raised a ticket for this, you will be contacted for resolution :) 

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  • 16 november 2023

Sorry, maar dit is een beetje te technisch voor mij om Nederlands te gebruiken

Can I also get on the same Superwifi 2 model bandwagon?

Seemingly Superwifi 1 extenders now don’t really work properly with KPN Box 12 even when one is connected via UTP, or even both of them … After numerous factory resets (both via device button/pinhole and online, of modem/box-12 and superwifi points), both Superwifi 1 points light up continuous green, yet the wifi ssid/password on them isn’t copied from modem/box-12, they use factory default one WE2-XXX (hardware name from whichever extender it picked as primary/master). And of course with new firmware the KPN Box 12 itself also says “Master” 🙄

That is opposite from all the guides/docs and what customer service told me over the phone. Per CS they seemingly see it as if Superwifi are using same wifi SSID as the modem/box-12 - which definitely isn’t case 🤷 And no waiting for half or whole hour doesn’t fix it.

Interestingly I see that on modem/box-12, extenders initially (after factory reset) show up named like WiFiExtender-XXX and are shortly after renamed (only in interface of modem/box-12) into WiFiExtender-XXX\040Master\041 - where BTW 040 and 041 are ( and ) in ASCII.

In the WiFiExtender interface itself it’s named WiFiExtender-XXX and in other places/screens it’s WiFiExtender-XXX(Primary).

While I can sort of half-work-around by manually setting same wifi ssid and password on Superwifi 1 point(s) - that’s not actually “mesh”. And between upgrading connection to 1Gbit (it was 500/500), and everyone else around starting to have a bunch of different wifi APs/Extenders - devices in the house are often switching between box-12 and the two Superwifi points.

And since it’s not a real “mesh” it’s actually breaking up connections even when you’re not moving between rooms/floors. For some devices we even need to turn wifi off and on for “connected without Internet” to go away on that device.


Admin: reactie samengevoegd met bestaand topic. 

  • Topper
  • 1345 reacties
  • 16 november 2023

With white sw1 you should not have received the new software on the v12. The only solution is to go forward to the black series sw2 that can work on the new software. Kpn needs to exchange it.

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  • 17 november 2023
BruisTablet schreef:

With white sw1 you should not have received the new software on the v12. The only solution is to go forward to the black series sw2 that can work on the new software. Kpn needs to exchange it.

I guess that then we received 2 updates that we were not supposed to?

On the forum I see people saying version 23.04.38 isn’t working with white Superwifi points - which is version I think we got back on 16th or 17th of October (that’s when I got message from KPN about modem software update).

And as I was trying to fix issues last 2 days - interface was already looking like (confirming it was auto updated on 16th or 17th of October):

And while I was going through factory resets of everything - it offered even newer version - so now we’re on .39 🙄



Erik van KPN
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  • 27 november 2023

Hi @techcode, you should indeed not have been selected for upgrade. I have raised a ticket for this, you will be contacted for resolution :) 

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  • 27 november 2023

Thanks @Erik_  - I also got somewhat generic SMS asking me to re-connect devices [generic since it’s not mentioning exact devices nor any specific context].

I semi-temporarily have 3 cheap D-Link COVR-1100 as router and 2 mesh - while they are slower [only 300-500Mbit out of 1Gbit], they actually seem to have better coverage than KPN box 12 and 2 x Superwifi v1 points, and since all 3 d-link cubes are one/same wifi, there are no or less interruptions while devices switch between mesh and central router/box. 

Network switch and all network cables/outlets around house now go through master D-Link cube - and I’m not able to really re-connect Superwifi to what I imagine is normal intended function. So instead of one Superwifi point on 1st floor and another on attic (both on cable “backbone”) [where they would go through my own router] I just connected them directly to KPN box right next to box and central d-link cube.

Meanwhile KPN box 12 itself of course doesn’t really know and sees WiFiExtenders as just another network device.

Oh and actually back when KPN installer came to hook us up the first time 2+ years ago - he also left our existing central WIFI router Linksys WRT1900ACS in place, SuperWiFis were on it’s LAN side, and placed on 1st floor and attic, and simply set up to have same SSID and password we already had.

That setup had the same problem of Superwifi points being “mesh” (with cable backbone) between two of them, and WiFi on ground floor (be it Linksys or KPN box) being it’s own WiFi network even when they have same SSID and password.

Though it worked better until last couple of months/weeks - and I can’t be certain if our mobile devices started to loose connection because of KPN box 12 update which turned on it’s wifi, upgrading internet speed package or because of everyone else also getting more wifi extenders and congestion.

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  • 27 november 2023

Sorry it’s probably not really technically correct to say that “3 cheap D-Link COVR-1100 as router and 2 mesh … actually seem to have better coverage” .

It’s more likely WiFi coverage/range is same if not better with KPN box and 2xSuperwifi points - and that many wifi devices were switching between WiFi from KPN box 12 (non-mesh) and Superwifi on first floor, which seems like bad/choppy wifi.

Meanwhile moving between 1st and 2nd floor didn’t have interruptions since those two Superwifi were already in mesh.

Erik van KPN
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  • 27 november 2023

Box 12 with the new Software and the SuperWifi 1 don't mesh anymore. So that probably explains the problems. I expect you'll be receiving SuperWifi 2 as a replacement. These do mesh with the Box 12 and the new Software. About the sms, I haven't seen the text of it, but it might be that it is asking you to reconnect the SW1 so we can see them, and be sure that you actually have them. 

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  • 7 reacties
  • 27 november 2023

Since we got them in the signup package from KPN itself, I would’ve expected they were on customer file.

Perhaps the way that KPN installer set them up initially behind our existing router (which IMHO totally made sense since KPN box was not supposed to be doing wifi in that combination) was why you previously didn’t see them and pushed update to our modem.

Anyway -  I figured you wanted to double check I have 2xSuperwifi and maybe try some WIP firmware for Superwifi 1 points to also do Mesh with Box... So they are connected directly to KPN box and temporarily congesting WiFi channels (on another SSID name) even more 😅

I hope all 3 (KPN box and 2 Superwifis v2) being in same mesh solves problems of devices (even when you’re not moving between floors of the house) loosing connection and jumping between the them.

And temporary bunch of d-link COVR-1100 can go towards intended use case of doing mesh in vacation house which only has Mobile 4G connection so it doesn’t matter they don’t reach higher than ~500Mbit.
