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I called NS Customer Service because I was overcharged with transportation for 10 euros.

Now KPN bill arrived and I have an invoice of 34 euros due to this call.

How is it not toll free? Also, the charge of KPN is higher than the reimbursement I got from NS.

Hello @pacia 


The NS Customer Service telephone number is not free but normal rate, see, it's a 030 number, which cost nothing extra if you have unlimited calling or enough minutes left in your call bundle.

You have probably called an expensive 090x number you found on the internet which charges 90ct/m or 1 euro per minute to connect you to the real number.


Which number did you call?

I think @GeSp  is on to something.  Did you call an expensive number, @pacia ?

This is most probably an NS problem. I did not get a number from the internet. In fact, I got the number from an NS front desk employee in Den Haag Centraal station. She asked me to call 1883.

I know the official NS number but I followed her instructions still to call that number. And so I got charged 34 euros for 34 mins of call.

Why do these companies even exist legally? Their whole business model is scamming people.

By these companies, I'm pertaining to the forwarding number company who owns 1883.

Unfortunately it's still a legal ‘service’, it's now only illegal for them to connect you to free 0800 numbers and charge for that.

Translation from their website:

By clicking on the number or the call button you will be put in contact with an employee of our call center (van 1883 B.V.). You can request subscriber information via us. This service is offered by 1883 B.V at one hundred and ten cents per minute (cpm). Rate remains valid even after transferring. Up to a maximum of 55 euros. The call forwarding ends automatically after 50 minutes.

I don't get is why did the NS front desk employee give me that number instead of just asking me to call NS customer service (the real number) like what an actual front desk customer service should do.

I don't get is why did the NS front desk employee give me that number instead of just asking me to call NS customer service (the real number) like what an actual front desk customer service should do.

This is very strange indeed.  Maybe register a complaint with NS?

Thanks, I'll definitely do that.

1883 is not a nummer of ns. Is a nummer informatie and forwarding service. 

Vanaf 16 december 2022 is doorschakelen naar gratis (0800) nummers niet toegestaan.

Vanaf 16 december 2022 2024 mogen ze nog maximaal 10 € ( 10 minuten) in rekening brengen. 

Originele plaatsing: 1 jan. 00:15.
Herzien: 1 jan. 13:55.

Vanaf 16 december 2022 mogen ze nog maximaal 10 € ( 10 minuten) in rekening brengen. 

Vanaf 16 december 2022 is het zelfs helemaal verboden om tegen betaling door te schakelen naar een 0800 nummer.

Zie dit bericht van de overheid en dit bericht van de ACM.

This is most probably an NS problem. I did not get a number from the internet. In fact, I got the number from an NS front desk employee in Den Haag Centraal station. She asked me to call 1883.

I know the official NS number but I followed her instructions still to call that number. And so I got charged 34 euros for 34 mins of call.

Why do these companies even exist legally? Their whole business model is scamming people.

I can't imagine that, because they always have paper cards with the contact details of NS.  And there is also the 030 number on it.

Vanaf 16 december 2022 mogen ze nog maximaal 10 € ( 10 minuten) in rekening brengen. 

Vanaf 16 december 2022 is het zelfs helemaal verboden om tegen betaling door te schakelen naar een 0800 nummer.

Zie dit bericht van de overheid en dit bericht van de ACM.

I called them on 19 December. If this is true then there shouldn’t be any charge.

I called them on 19 December. If this is true then there shouldn’t be any charge.

I have to geven a correction. From december 16 2022 New rules. 


Vanaf december 16 2022 and 2024:

Via 18xy nummers 

Doorschakelen naar 0800 nummers verboden per december 16 2022

Onbeperkt doorschakelen à € 1 per minuut naar gewone nummers mag nog tot december 16 2024 . ( bron ) 


Het was dus legaal. Een klacht zal niks uithalen. 

Voortaan het 030 nummer van NS bellen.

Advies: nooit laten doorschakelen via 18xy nummers. 

Dit is al het tweede topic in korte tijd van iemand die 1883 van een NS medewerker kreeg. Heel apart. 

Een klacht bij NS lijkt me op zijn plaats. 


I still would register a complaint with them., @pacia 

For questions or complaints about NS. They have also a forum:

Yes, thanks everyone for the help!