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I have terminated my Huis internet subscription and today I have received information that service is not up and running anymore (which is ok). I have also received information that I should receive kind of end invoice (Factuur en eindafrekening). Instead of this, I have received today an email concerning normal monthly billing (even I have ended the contract weeks ago).  Why? 

What I should that also billing will end?



Hey there, @VilleT Sorry to see you go! I understand this is a bit confusing. When you cancel you subscription you have a term of notice of one month, which might explain the extra invoice you received. After this period you'll receive the final invoice (eindafreking) on which all the extra costs are being corrected. Does this explain you situation? 

If you rather speak with a colleague who can check the billing, you can also consider calling the customer service (0800-0402). By calling , you'll get a direct answer from colleague who can immediatly see what's going on.   

Thnx. Yep. This is confusing because I have paid these in advance. So, next I’ll wait final invoice to correct the situation. I have already gone i.e. I prefer to handle this online.

Yeah, I understand this is confusing. You can wait for the next invoice and if you still feel the costs are not what they should be, just let us know. You can post a message here, but you can also reach the customer service by starting an online chat. 

Ok. Thanks. Happy to lend money to KPN 😃 (I think this process is rather easy to fix)