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We have emigrated out of the Netherlands on 17.08.2022 and as soon as we knew the date of our departure I have called KPN in advance to request contract termination of our xs4all internet subscription, here is the sequence of events that got us into this contract termination nightmare:


02.08.2022 at 18:18 I called KPN and requested the contract to be terminated as per the 1 month notice. Because this was an xs4all type of contract the operator did not know how to handle it exactly, put me on hold multiple times to discuss internally, accepted the request but in the end decided to also transfer me to a department that deals with xs4all customers to arrange for a return box for the modem. While I was waiting and waiting on the line, the line dropped. No box arrived, nobody called me back!

16.08.2022 at 10:55 I filled in a web-form ‘Gegevens opzegging emigratie’ where I put all the details about my contract which was supposed to be terminated in couple of weeks. I did this, because I got yet another invoice over email, which made me think my initial termination request was not processed properly.

07.09.2022 at 16:12 I responded with an email to the KPN automatically generated ‘Gegevens opzegging emigratie’ confirmation email which confirmed they have accepted the request for service termination. I did this because another invoice has arrived, to my great surprise!

28.09.2022 at 11:19 I emailed to request for status update and request the service to be terminated one more time, because more invoices/notifications were being sent to me from KPN.

20.10.2022 at 17:48 I called internationally +31612001200 and waited until 18:40 (almost one full hour) for someone to pickup, but had no luck, the line dropped without being able to speak to anybody.


On 06.08.2022 we have disconnected the equipment and have not used the service ever since as we relocated. We have paid the invoice for the period from 19 aug t/m 18 sep, which settles the one month notice period we gave KPN. However, KPN continued to issue more invoices for the months afterwards. Most likely, it was our email to that allowed this contract to be terminated in the KPN system registry. Most likely there are people who know what they are doing in xs4all. Such a mess and nightmare to deal with KPN customer support. I would absolutely recommend people against using KPN’s services because customer support is absolutely inadequate and absurd!!!


On 08.03.2023 at 10:00 we received a notification email from faircasso who gave us last notification for payment of € 137,33. Today we have paid what we do not owe to faircasso for KPN just to end this nightmare at our own expense!!! We paid KPN for service we did not use. We paid KPN because they were inadequate enough not to process our contract termination attempts for months!


To: KPN, all of the above activity can be tracked in your own systems. Please, check this internally and fix this mess. Until you can do so, I strongly recommend to anybody not to use KPN’s services as they are not an accurate service provider. This experience is what we got for being a good, always paying on time customer for the last 6-7 years.


So sad xs4all got acquired by KPN, first class internet service made unbearable!!!


Stay away from KPN as you may be the next to experience this nightmare, this is what I can say to everybody reading this. And I took the time to write all this, because of how KPN treated us and also to spare the sorrow for someone else. This attitude of KPN is absolutely not acceptable. We had to pay for their fault!!! Absolutely not acceptable and not professional. Stay away from this company.



Hi @nikolay, I'm sorry to read that cancelling your subscription has been this difficult. 😥 If you request a termination of your services then this request should be honored. It certainly shouldn't have been allowed to continue as it was for this long. 

I'd like to check and see what I'll be able to do in this. Could you fill out your forum profile? Please add your previous (Dutch) address and a contact number if possible. If you still have your Dutch 06 number working that would be best. 

Let me know here when you’ve done so, then I'll get to work! 

Hello @Sanne_M, forum profile has been updated with the requested information. Thank you.

Thank you @nikolay

Checking all the communication quickly it seems to have gone wrong when the termination request was sent to us when it should've gone to XS4ALL. That said, it shouldn't have taken that long for them to contact you or process the termination, so I agree that paying for all the subscription costs during this time is not fair. 

Keeping your original timeline when you asked for a termination on the 2nd of August per the 2nd of September, that means the subscription costs from the 2nd of September until the 23rd of November should be corrected. That's a total of two months and 21 days. I cannot correct the costs for the reminders (€25,-) as those are a result of not paying the invoices and not something I can correct. 

Is your Dutch bank account still active? I'm double checking as I can only correct this through the bank account number known to us. If that's still yours and active then I can put the correction in! 

Hello @Sanne_M .

Thank you for your investigation. It seems like the process for contract termination is broken if we managed to fix something in a couple of days via forum posts that I was not able to arrange with KPN for months! I guess this is something to follow-up with internally in your company.


We have not changed the bank account, so you can use it to return the amount due. As for the €25 penalty, as you may have already understood we have stopped paying because we submitted the contract termination request and covered in full the whole next billing period: 19 aug t/m 18 sep(we should have only covered until 2 September). So KPN charged these €25 for not paying something which we should not have paid in the first place and actually overpaid for the period of 2 September until 18 September. It is not our problem that their system and customer support are so inadequate, sorry.


Thank you,



The process could’ve certainly been a lot quicker/smoother. That's for sure. 

I agree, you’ve got a point. Especially since we dropped the ball on teminating the subscription on time. I've refunded the amount for 2 months, 21 days and the additional cost for the reminders. It should be on your account after 2 weeks at the latest. 

Thank you for notifying us of it here, and apologies for the way this was handled earlier.