Hi KPN team !
I am wondering if you can help me and help turn around my disappointment in switching from Ziggo to KPN.
HIstorically we have had a Ziggo ADSL connection in the house for the past 18 months that has worked seamlessly and with out fault delivering around 230 Mbits
Recently KPN installed direct fibre along our street with fibre coming in to the house. With the new fibre we were told that we could get up to 1 Gbits per second download and 500 Mbits upload sold on the idea of being able to run my work laptop, IPTV and the kids being able to use youtube at the same time we signed up... which has turned out to be a big mistake.
Upon installation the engineer said he was receiving speeds of 800 Mbit's and as soon as he left the KPN speed test was confirming that we were getting only 33 down and 17 up which didnt improve greatly throughout the 1st or 2nd day. Using the KPN Wifi manager we reset the boxes again and again with out any improvement and after 3 or 4 chat support messages and no change i phoned the KPN support line 3 times in total to see what could be done. On the 3rd call the support engineer send out an Experia V10 to replace the Experia V10 A box that originally came. I picked this up on Thursday 7th and installed which bought us speeds of around 200 Mbits for download (so back to speed we were getting from Ziggo on an ADSL line)
However as seems to be the story with this KPN installation things just start to revert back to unusable and unstable connectivity (I am currently writing this whilst tethered to the Vodafone 4G).
IPTV (connected using Wireless Connection set 1200 supplied by KPN) has never reached speeds of over 60 Mbp's in the two weeks we have had the Fibre installed. Aware this could be to do with the electricity cabling but the house we live in is less than 10 years old.
WIFI - Has reached top speed of 201 (did i mention that we pay for 1 Gbit ?)
4th May - 32 Down / 17 up
5th May - 36 Down / 14 up
6th May - 68 Down / 63 up
7th May - 27 Down / 10 up
New Router arrived....
8th May - 178 Down / 40 up
9th May - 201 Down / 134 up
11th May - 147 Down / 76 up
11th May - No internet connection to even log on to KPN forum
Outages - At the time of writing this we have no internet at all Wired or Wireless, having reset the box twice it just doesnt want to come back and work for some reason.
WIFI Manager - I have done this around 30 times in the past 2 weeks in the hope that something might work or change.
I am hoping that from reading the above you can understand my frustrations... currently i am really regretting leaving Ziggo to come over to KPN's land of promise that just doesn't exist.
Please could someone help me change my mind and assist in getting the speeds we were promised / expected ? or release me from this contract so i can go back to the comfort of Ziggo knowing they have a service and product that works...
A thoroughly disappointed new customer :(
Thanks !