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I was notified today that my subscription had started and my internet was available. However this is not true, as when I try to connect I’m met with the message “Your broadband physical link is down”. Seems like a problem with the DSL cable or port as neither the L1 or L2 lights are on. I’ve tried contacting customer service several times to no avail, the automatic processes tell me “Everything is fine!” or “No problems detected!” when there clearly is a big problem.

If you keep the line open when you call it will eventually (after 10 seconds) transfer you to a worker from the customer service.

H @Cal Harris, welcome. 

So no internet yet. That's too bad. Fastest way is too call 0800-0402: 

If you keep the line open when you call it will eventually (after 10 seconds) transfer you to a worker from the customer service.


My colleague will look into it. 

If you prefer this way, please fill in your profile and let me know when you did,. So I can look into it. 


So a “mechanic” came yesterday and it must have been his first day. He charged me over 100 euros just to tell me what I already knew, that my dsl wall port is not functioning. I would happily pay the ridiculous price if he had even tried to fix it, but since he did not I’m not paying anything. In fact I’m going to cancel my KPN subscription and request a full refund for the modem kit. Pain in the ass/headache for no reason. Very useless service. 

Ps: The “mechanic” also left my front door of my house wide open after he left. Was he born in a barn? 

That's weird and if you ask me not how it should be. Will you please fill in your profile and let me know when you did so I can look into it. 


Hi @Cal Harris . This is all a bit weird. I can find the mechanics note and it reads you have an old IS/RA with lots of connections.  He mentions he put you on the right connection and it should work now. 

You also signed the ticket I see.  

When he left , did your internet work?  

No, it doesn’t. As far as I could tell the guy didn’t do anything except tell me what I already knew, that it doesn’t work because there’s no cable from the input to my plug, and that my landlord needs to fix it. I was at work while he was here and only able to spend a few minutes with him. What I’m most disappointed about is the massive bill for doing absolutely nothing, like I said I would be happy to pay it if there was actually something to pay for. And leaving my door wide open after leaving. 

My upstairs neighbour also has KPN WiFi, and after yesterdays visit it no longer works for him. 

Please call 0800 0402 (and let your neighbour do the same).  The forum is not the right place for these kind of pertinent issues.