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Recently, I tried to apply the Spotify theme for my website, but I encountered some problems. I'm really impressed with the Spotify theme, it's so amazing and incredible. However, I have trouble activating the renewed Spotify Premium. When I tried to download the Spotify theme, I got the error message, "You already have the capacity to help me design the Spotify theme through KPN." I genuinely appreciate your willingness to offer your valuable time, and I'm looking forward to how you can assist. Please do share your insights!


If my question is against the rules of  KPN, my sincere apologies (Really Sorry)

Hi @DLSAPK! I must admit I`m not completely sure of what you're asking of me here. What do you mean by the Spotify Theme? I can help you purchase Spotify Premium (family) so you can listen to music on the Spotify app without ads. For more information on this, please visit our Spotify information page. 

If you don't find your answer there, could you please give some more information? Keep in mind I can only help you with questions regarding the services of KPN. If you are indeed building your own website and are trying to build in a Spotify tool, and that's not working, please consult your webmaster.