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I have just moved to NL and ordered an internet box from KPN for my house. I have been delivered an Experia Box v10A that I can connect to the NT box in my living room.

Now my problem I just moved here and the NT unit is not secured to the wall and from what I see the blue colored termination point is broken and needs to be fixed.

My question is:
- What is the green termination point is for, can I use that one by switching the NTU to that side? 
- If that’s not possible, is there way to fix/replace that blue termination myself if I order some tools? I am quiet handy with these stuff so if it doable, I trust that I cna do it.

I normally have an appointment with a technician at 20th of April but It is almost 10 days later, I have been already waiting for this box for 15 days and as everybody in the country I need the connection for working from home. Currently I am blazing through mobile internet packages and I am completely out of ideas at this point.


Ough, that sounds bad. Can you please enter your costomer number (Klantnummer) in your profile? That allows KPN to look into your case quicker. 


Link to profile: (Enter it in the field “Klantnummer”). 

Hi Sjors,

Thanks for the suggestion, I just added as much info as I can 

Hi Cavlan, welcome on our board. 

I'm sorry to hear this. Based on your customer number I found your order, placed on the 3rd of April with an appointment on the 20th. Unfortunately you cannot expedite this, the signal will only then be ready. So even if you would connect it yourself, it still wouldn't work. Do you by any chance have a KPN mobile contract/subscription so I can add some data to your account?