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Hi all!

Anyone by experience know how long does it take for KPN to fix their fiber optic that is broken?

It's been more than 3 weeks since this has been reported to KPN, but nothing seems to progress in terms of fixing the problem. Everytime I call for an update, it's to tell me they are waiting for this document or an internal request to go through. 

At this point, I'm really thinking to stop my subscription and look for something else.


Hi @Mr. Robot . Welcome to the forum.

Can you elaborate on the issue?  Is it a fiber cable inside or near your home? Or is it a cable in the street?  

Hi @Erwin_ , thank you

It's a fiber cable near my home, precisely 90m from the FTU.

@Mr. Robot So my guess is this affects more customers? Can you fill out your profile and give me a sign?  Did they make a ticket on your behalf? 

I guess so, I haven't asked my neighbors but they might be using another provider.

Yes, they have made an internal ticket.

My profile should be updated.

Okay. I've found the ticket and there is quite some activity.  

The ticket mentions an underground obstruction, and they are actively working with the contractor to find a solution. Hopefully, there will be more news by the end of the week.


So there's not really anything I can do for you. All I can tell you is that they are working hard to fix this issue but due to external circumstances it is unknown when this will be resolved.Â