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Today I’ve created an order to switch the home Internet from Odido to KPN (S7026034). As far as I understand, it is assumed that I will connect the Internet myself when I receive the box with the equipment. But I would like your technical specialist to do this, because I am coming to you because of technical problems with my connection, which Odido cannot fix. It is assumed that I need to figure out the wires and install sockets on my own, which I cannot do myself (I guess because my house is connected to fiber cable by you and the dsl line is broken). As far as I know, this is your line, and Odido just rents it.

Calling a technician costs 75 euros, but I don't understand why I have to pay for a basic installation. I can try to connect everything myself, I will have the same problems again due to bad sockets or connection or something like that, and I still need to call your technician to fix everything. Is it possible the technician's work in the initial installation process? I guess my connection was poorly configured from the beginning.

this is how it looks like now



Today I’ve created an order to switch the home Internet from Odido to KPN (S7026034). As far as I understand, it is assumed that I will connect the Internet myself when I receive the box with the equipment. But I would like your technical specialist to do this, because I am coming to you because of technical problems with my connection, which Odido cannot fix. It is assumed that I need to figure out the wires and install sockets on my own, which I cannot do myself (I guess because my house is connected to fiber cable by you and the dsl line is broken). As far as I know, this is your line, and Odido just rents it.

Calling a technician costs 75 euros, but I don't understand why I have to pay for a basic installation. I can try to connect everything myself, I will have the same problems again due to bad sockets or connection or something like that, and I still need to call your technician to fix everything. Is it possible the technician's work in the initial installation process? I guess my connection was poorly configured from the beginning.


Hello @foobarbaz 


If the Odido modem is connected with the connector to which the yellow arrow is pointing then you have a DSL connection,  I don't see any fiber connection in your picture.

The only thing you have to do when you receive the message that your connection should be working is unplug that connector and plug in the KPN one.

If it isn’t working (correctly) after installing the KPN modem then you can request a free mechanic by calling the KPN customer service 0800-0402 (mo to fr 08.00 - 18.00, sa 08.00 - 17.00).
You’ll get a Dutch menu, just say you want to speak to an employee and it should connect you to one.

thank you for your response,

if Odido rents your line, and currently I have the following problem:

It’s been a few days ago since the Internet become very unstable, the connection works for 10-15 minutes, and then disappears (the Internet connection light on the modem is not lit). After a few minutes, everything is restored.

does it mean that once I’ve switched to you I will have exactly the same techincal problem since technically I will be using the same DSL line? I'm just trying to figure out if this will solve my technical problem or not. Odido says that the problem is with the line you own.

I'm not a KPN employee but just another user of this forum/community.

Odido rents the line from KPN Wholesale but as far as I know they use there own equipment on the other end of the line in de local exchange.

If you switch to KPN then you will be connected to KPN equipment, most likely it will be stable after that. If not then a (free) KPN mechanic will look into it and solve the problem for you.

ah, I see now, sorry for the confusion, @GeSp!
