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Dear KPN, 

I have the following problem. Two weeks ago I applied for a subscription with KPN for the internet to my new address. The offer in that moment was for the internet to be installed within 8 days. We are now 2 weeks further and the problem is not by far to be solved. The engineer came 3 times. First he said  that he could not find the box, second time the same, the third time he said that he needs to go to the neighbors to connect the cable from there. I have tried to contact the neighbors in order to see how we can have access to their box but looks like the neighbors are not willing to answer the door or to call me (I left a note in their door explaining the situation and my phone no). Then I just contact KPN to ask what could be the option under those circumstances if the neighbors a re e not willing to cooperate. The answer from KPN was that I should be the one to have contact with the neighbors and to ask them for permission. I think that is more than ridiculous that took two weeks for a company like KPN to give me an answer like that, specially during this time when we have to work from home and I depend on the internet connection. To come 3 times in two weeks to my apartment just to tell me that the box can not be found and after I call KPN and insist to be given an option to be told that there is no option if the neighbor is not willing to cooperate I found it more than ridiculous! Aaaaa, KPN mentioned as well that can be done in a different way also but that will have a very big cost for myself. Ridiculous again. I will definitely never recommend KPN. 

Hi @Otilia and welcome to the forum. If I understand your post correctly, the internet access point in your house cannot be found and the engineer thinks it could be in your neighbor's home? If that's the case we do require their permission to be able to connect your services to the access point in their home. It's not ideal, but that's the only way. We don't always know beforehand where the access point is located in advance, normally it's in your own home. However in some cases it's in another home or outside your home. I understand it's a very frustrating situation, especially when you need a working internet connection right now. Did you buy the apartment/house? Or are you renting it from someone? If it's a rental, I'd advise you to contact your landlord for this. If there's no access point in your home and your neighbors aren't answering, the only solution is to apply for an access point in your own home through If the home is yours, the costs for this access point are yours, unless your neighbors have a change of heart and you can arrange your connection with them. I understand it's not the answer you wanted to hear, but at least now you know what your options are. If anything's not clear, don't hesitate to let me know! 
