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Hello - sorry for englis .

My frien live outside village -   Outside area - no fiberglass just old cooper cable and dsl

his intenet speed is low around 6mb- how he can upgrade to DSL+4g ??

how i can order that ? (older person non technical at all )

Regads  Bart

Hello Bart,

First you need to find out if DSL+4G is available. Check this website.

Can you place the screenshot without the Zipcode in this topic.



Good news Sneller Internet Buitengebied is available. You can make a phone call to 0800 0402 or you must wait on a moderator on this forum.

Thank you will wait

Hello @elite1 welcome to our forums! Could you fill in your profile? I can order the (free) 4G buitengebied upgrade for you!

Hello @elite1 it's been a few day since we've heard from you.
Did you manage to order the upgrade with my colleagues?

I havent heard from you so I'm assuming you found another way. If not, please let me know!