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In November I have taken KPN home wifi connection and couple of enginers came to install after couple of months they said u have ziggo cable but don't have KPN cable at my home 

Hence I have canceled KPN contact and taken ziggo.Again same thing happen with ziggo also .cable is availble but some where it's connected.N times enginers came and finally it's not posiable better go with KPN they will install new fiber optical 

Again this month I have taken KPN again same story .Enginers coming and saying will update and KPN will call you for new appointment with specikist .


Till now issue is not received after 4minths also 

Kindly understand my situation and help me ASAP.

At least arrange me emergency package kit.




In November I have taken KPN home wifi connection and couple of enginers came to install after couple of months they said u have ziggo cable but don't have KPN cable at my home 

Hence I have canceled KPN contact and taken ziggo.Again same thing happen with ziggo also .cable is availble but some where it's connected.N times enginers came and finally it's not posiable better go with KPN they will install new fiber optical 

Again this month I have taken KPN again same story .Enginers coming and saying will update and KPN will call you for new appointment with specikist .


Till now issue is not received after 4minths also 

Kindly understand my situation and help me ASAP.

At least arrange me emergency package kit.




Admin: moved to your own topic

Thanks for your reply.

With out internet how we can work .

So, kindly provide me any other alternatives.

This week engginer came and I will inform KPN about situation and they will send specialist .


Till now I didn't get any update 




I am not an employee for this forum. If you film in your forum profile a moderator will get to you in 1 to 3 days.

Hi @Surepalli, I see you have an appointment with a mechanic on 04-04-2023 between15:00 en 17:00. I hope the problem is solved by our mechanic!

Thanks for reply,

There is cable in my apartment.

Service engineers coming and leaving , there is no progress.

Engineers saying they will arrange emergency kit .till even we didn't get that one also.



Hi @Surepalli, I see that the mechanic couldn't fix the problem for you and he arranged for another mechanic, from KPN Network, to visit and work things out. 

Thank you Marcia,

KPN network engineer also came and says I can't do anything , will arrange new appointment.

Not sure what I have to do.

I see that my colleagues send you a request on thursday, to call them back. Did you receive that request? My advise would be to give them a call on tuesday.

They called me regarding KPN sim plan not for home internet 

Yes I see that also, but you should have received an e-mail or text message with our callback details. 

Till now didn't get any call details.

Till now I didn't get call regarding home wifi issue.

Very difficult with out wifi hence I have taken KPN sim with unlimited data but they taged my Vodafone number i.e ********51 however this number provided by my company I can't change/port to KPN.Called and requested to change number to ********50.


Till now number is not changed and sim is also not activated .

I don't get proper response for SIM or wifi.Both issues are not addressed.


Admin: erased phone numbers

Hi @Surepalli, I see my colleague left a note that there will be a mechanic outside today. We will check if the problem is then fixed or that we need to make an appointment with an inhome mechanic after that. We will let you know!

Regarding your phone number: on the 26th of april will this number ********50 will become active. Then the simcard is going live.