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I recently decided to move from Telfort to KPN, but on the phone the Telford operator did not inform me about the 1-month waiting time before the KPN contract can start. Is there any way to shorten this time? My current (Telfort-provided) internet connection is very slow, and the sooner I can get the new (and faster) KPN connection, the better for my this-werk. Thanks!


Admin: changed the title

Is there any way to shorten this time?


No. That can't be shortened. A law says there is one month notice period. KPN and all the other providers must comply to the law.

KPN delivers over the same line. So if you allready have the maximum speed KPN cannot deliver faster internet. Unless bonded koper/dsl is possible.

You can check the possible speed here: Fourstack.
What does it say?

DSL = copperline (koper), FttH = Fiber

Hi @uop3612,  welcome. 

I see PeterG already described exactly how the situation is. He also likes to know what the maximum speed of your connection is. Can you tell? If not, please fill in your Forumprofile and I will take a look. Please let me know.

Dear @Bart_Z, 

the speed varies a lot. During recent weekdays, it was on average 3-4 Mbits, and often there was no connectivity at all. During off-peak hours, all is fast enough to use videoconferencing tools (something I have to do a lot due to thuis werken, but between 9-17 the network was basically stuck.


The speed varies a lot. You can discuss that with Telfort. I only want to know what's the maximum capacity is off your line to your house. For instance it is only 10 Mbit/s. You will never get receive a faster line with us. Let's say the maximum is 35 and you will only reach 3-4 Mbit/s. There something wrong. You can discuss that with Telfort to find out what's wrong. Or you wait and come to us. Hopefully the problem is solved right away or we will fix it with you. We both deliver over the same line.Â