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Good Morning!!!
My name is Wilson Teixeira and I am having problems with your connector on the wall of my room. It is almost falling off the wall and this causes the connection to drop many times a day. I have already done many experiments and found that the problem is in the wall connector. How should I proceed?



Hi @Wilson Teixeira. Welcome here! How annoying that your connection keeps dropping. Can you leave your name, zipcode, housenumber and customernumber on your KPN Forum profile? And can you leave a message here after doing this? Then we can help you further. 

Hello !!! I'm trying to complete the registration, but I don't remember my internet Klantnumer.
Where can I find this number?

It's okay this way. I would like to get you a mechanic. Could you please let me know when (and if) that fits you? It's possible on working days between 8 en 18 hours. I have to let you know that when the problems were caused by the customer, that we charge 50 euro's. As I understand, that is not the case here, but i am required to mention this. 


Is it possible for you to post a picture of the wall connector here? 

I see you haven't responded yet. Is there anything I can do for you? Please let me know. 

Hello Marcia !!!
I'm sorry for the delay in responding !!!
Yes!!! I would love for someone to come here for repairs. It can be any day and time. I will send a photo yes. Thank you.



Great! I've ordered a mechanic for this friday between 10 and 12 pm. I am required to let you know that there may be costs involved if the problem is caused by the customer. In most cases it is free of charge though.