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Hi. Im stepping over from odido. The date we asked for was 12-3-24. Apparently this date isn't possible and is now on 18-4-24 (kpn didn't communicate this to me in anyway I found this out today while calling customer services) however odido are still going to switch off my internet on 12-3-24. I have been on the phone all day with both KPN and odido and they are both pointing fingers at eachother. KPN says that odido have possibly issues with their system and their dates are wrong and they can't cut services until they give the go ahead and odido are saying that KPN reported to them another order so they are gonna cut services on the earlier agreed upon date but that odido employee was supposed to call me back and never did so I don't know where I'm standing at all.


The way I see it is this is a breach of service, the overstap service is supposed to give peace of mind and its the complete oppositie in this case. It's not a good first impression. I've never had to chase a problem this hard with any provider and today I've had to do it with 2. I have a little idea on where it's going wrong due to an email I received on the 8-3-24 from odido which then goes in hand with what they was saying on the phone about "een andere bestelling" but I'm at my wits end and I dunno who is at fault. To be honest I think both are at fault. I'll post screenie of the last email from odido. Any and all help is appreciated but mainly would like the attention of KPN staff


Hi @Shahid Amar, welcome to our forum!
If you use overstapservice Odido should still be active until our installation is completed. Regardless of this e-mail.
I hope this is also the case with your connection!

Hi @Shahid Amar, welcome to our forum!
If you use overstapservice Odido should still be active until our installation is completed. Regardless of this e-mail.
I hope this is also the case with your connection!

Hi Thomas. Unfortunately it's not the case, my home internet from odido has been disconnected. There's clearly a huge case of miscommunication between the 2. Fortunately after 2 days of calling you guys have arranged to send me a survival kit to get me internet access until april 18. And are I believe launching a complaint or opening a case with odido. if im allowed to be critical this should have been the action to take the first time i called. Look after your customers and they will look after you. My only hope now is that the glasvezel performs as well as tmobiles did before they became odido. The email I received from you guys with expected speeds of 300mbits while I've opted for a 1gbit package doesn't fill me with confidence. But if odido supplied me with speeds around 800mbits I don't see why KPN can't. We will see.

Oh that's a shame! I hope you won't have to wait too long to get your connection back up!
The speeds shouldn't be a problem for a fiber connection with that package.