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Hi all! I had internet through the fibre glass box (200mbps) at my house up until 14-nov when I wanted to switch to 1GB speeds. A mechanic came on 14-nov, to install a new Nokia box. the Nokia box unfortunately showed a red alarm lamp, so the 1st mechanic:

1.) checked the cables; 2.) checked the kast on the street to see if everything works. 3.) checked whether the correct serial number of the Nokia box was activated. he said everything should work, but he cannot fix it. he said that a new mechanic should come by.

A new mechanic came on 16-nov, he did the same things: 1.) checked whether there’s connection coming through via the glasvezel aansluit box; 2.) connected a new Nokia box and activated it. 3.) checked whether everything is working in the KPN kast on the street and he said it should work. He even brought in from his KPN car, a 3-rd Nokia box, but the red alarm lamp was still going on. He called multiple times the KPN service desk for support, and a representative there said, the Nokia box is activated and should work within minutes (that was yesterday, 16-nov).

The 2nd mechanic suggested that someone from KPN with much more experience should investigate the issue since nobody knows where the problem is. a ticket was raised with the back office, and I was told by KPN to wait until Monday 20-nov for a response.

the upgrade to the higher speed is giving me a headache already and I cannot even switch back to my old 200mbps speed, because every single Nokia box connected gives a red alarm light. for the time being, KPN was kind enough to send 2 x 100GB packages to my phone, so at least I can use my phone as a hotspot in the house (which is much appreciated), but it’s not the same as having the internet up and running. can anyone advise in these situations, what are the next steps so I know what I can expect?

update 24-Nov 23: a 3rd monteur was sent to my house yesterday and could not fix the issue. he showed up with a Nokia NTU box and said there’s nothing he can do. KPN raised a ticket with KPN Netwerk to investigate - but due to internal issue, KPN Netwerk does not receive the tickets - nobody knows how long will take until that matter is solved, let alone my ongoing network issue. as a result, I’ve reached out to Finance to see if it is possible to get my old internet speed back (200mbps). this request was escalated to back-office. needless to say, disappointing. if I would’ve known that changing internet speeds comes with such a hassle, I would’ve not ordered the 1GB on 29-Oct. It is almost a month ago.

Apologies for the delay, @Horia Onet. Usually, the forum is not the best place to get help with full on service interruptions. It is better to call us (0800-0402, free) in situations like that. But I can see why you'd come to us for information and assistance in this case.

Normally, a change in speeds like this is a plug and play situation. But it seems there's something amiss in the network somewhere. If multiple new NT's all show a red light, then either the physical fibre is broken, or there's a persistent activation error. With what I'm seeing here in notes, I'm not sure what the problem is. Which also means I'm not the best person to help. I suggest to call us. The colleague you talk to can raise the issue again with the back office. Who will then provide an update or contact you directly. This may take a day or two.

Regarding the data packages, if these run out, call as well. They will then be topped up for you.

Hi @Erik_  Thank you for getting back to me. I have called 0800-0402 several times throughout the past few weeks and could not get further in having my issue resolved. Nobody can tell me what the issue is. Today I was advised to call KPN Netwerk because the problem has nothing to do with KPN. Last time I had to follow up myself with KPN Netwerk it took 3 MONTHS to get my problem resolved. Most probably I will have to contact one by one the subcontractors in the Randstad area (like I had to, 2 years ago) because KPN Netwerk will say it’s not them who I need to contact. Happened before.  Therefore, is there anyone else I could contact at KPN to get the issue resolved? Or is it normal for the customer to contact the subcontractors?

Update 30-Nov 23: issue was resolved with the 4th monteur. the problem in this case was not infrastructure (cable) or activation related. previous monteurs possibly pushed too hard the NTU boxes (3) on the glasvezelaansluitpunt so much so that the fibre “pin” connection got stuck further inside the aansluitpunt so the red alarm led were going off on the NTU boxes. neither of the previous monteurs have checked the fibre “pin”. the latest monteur (4th) has opened the aansluitpunt and saw the issue. he pulled the pin out, and now there is connection. probably due to a manufacturing issue of the aansluitpunt the NTU boxes cannot be slid on top and therefore, for the time being the aansluitpunt and the NTU are connected to each other through a separate fibre cable - but at least it works. in future the aansluitpunt will probably have to be replaced by whoever owns that piece of infrastructure. case is finally closed. thank you!