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Hello KPN,

I just recently moved to your network from another provider.

For my work, I need to connect to a VPN hosted on The IP belongs to an ISP from the area – TriNed. With my previous ISP I never had a problem connecting to this VPN and the connection speed was good. This allowed me to do my daily work comfortably.

Since I moved to KPN, most of the times I cannot connect to the VPN and when I do manage to connect the speed is around 10 kbps/s. In this situation, I am unable to do my work, so this is quite a big problem.

I asked the IT department of the company I work for and they did a few tests, but also confirmed that other users manage to use to VPN with good performance. When I am not connected to the VPN, the speed is good.

Seems there are peering issues between the 2 service providers, but something originating from KPN. As you can see in the screenshot attached, while doing a trace, several hops time out even before leaving the KPN network, and after it reaches TriNed, it times out.

Can you please check for any filtering and/or throttling done on the route from KPN to the TriNed IP?


Thank you



The routers at hops 3 and 4 filter ICMP traffic, they will never respond during a traceroute anyway. This doesn't mean the routers have issues or don't work it's just that they filter ICMP traffic.

Further on in your traceroute you see at hop 9 that the trined network is being reached and from there the connection breaks down. As a result, as Trined can be reached, the problem is not at KPN, but at Trined.

It seems that something after the 9th hop blocks the traffic coming from KPN, who is behind that 9th hop is hard to say, the only one who knows more about it is Trined himself.