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I started my contract with KPN on 1st Juni and I'm not receiving the velocity that I expected. Before I had T-Mobile with 400Mbits/s without issue. 

I received a call from KPN on Friday, and we didn't manage to get the speed improved. He said that would call me on Saturday for an update, but unfortunaly I lost the call and the person didn't call again. 

I tried all the steps suggested by the My KPN app, restart the mode, restart the the superwifi points. I tested the speed with wire and wifi, and both gave me poor connection.

I can't manage to get in contact with KPN again. No option available in english on the phone. 


Hi @Ciby, welcome on our forum!
For these matters calling 0800-0402 will be a bit quicker usually, especially if your wired connection is slow too!

Are you still experiencing these issues? Have you spoken to my colleagues in the meantime?
If not, I'm curious as to how everything is connected in your installation. You're using Superwifi punten, how are they connected to your experiabox?