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Hi Team,

I have been struggling since a month to get KPN connection into my home. Mechanics are here twice at my apartment but they couldn't give the connection to mu flat due to so many reasons. And the appointments are given in a intervals of 15 days gap, its very difficult for me to book and wait for appointments again and again. As this is going on since more than a month can you please prioritize my case move things further? 




Admin: moved to your own topic

Hi @Adityaa. I`m sorry to hear about the delay. I've checked out your case through the data in your profile. I see we have updated you on the status and on the next couple steps.

Is that all clear for now?

Yes, for now I got the next appointment on 18th Jan. Hopefully this will workout or else I have to wait for next 15 days for another appointment.

Hi @Adityaa! It's been a bit since my last message but I see that everything started working on the 19th. Is that correct? And do you have any other questions at this point?

Ye Bram,

Everything is sorted now. Thanks for the support




@Adityaa happy to hear! Have a good weekend. 🙂