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are you also experiencing issues with KPN`s subcontractor in charge of fibreglass installations? first they didn`t show up at the agreed day, then they did not document what steps they already did in my flat so that i am suddenly accused i wasn`t at home for the appointment or they have no more to do in my flat. then it turns out they still are to make the final installation but i am waiting for 2 months now for them to communicate a new appointment. both the subcontractor`s as well as KPN`s customer service is absolute unsatisfactory.

anyone had similar experiences and was able to navigate out of this dead-end street i seem to be in?

btw, they always say they tried to call but were unsuccessful. strangely, i have never had any missed calls. i left 3 (!) phone numbers both with the subcontractor and KPN, even asked a dutch-speaking colleague to make the communication with both for me. but still, there is no progress. glassfibre should be in use in my street already since past november/december!

Yeah, I’m not a fan either.

I have pre-ordered my fiber connection in 2020, digging was done somewhere in summer 2021 (with wires poking out of the sidewalk to this day).

KPN Netwerk status page hasn’t changed in months for my address: it says everything is completely done. Some of my neighbours at the same address are already connected and using their fibre the same week they took their KPN subscription, meanwhile my cable is just sitting at the sidewalk for a year now (even though I pre-ordered ages ago).

I have had to call KPN Netwerk multiple times (also because my address was entered wrongly into their system, as an apartment building rather than a regular house). The people who were supposed to come inside and take pictures before the digging have come twice, but didn’t take pictures and never came inside to find an appropriate spot to setup the NT. This meant that when people came to dig the cables to my house, they didn’t know where to dig the cables to and just left them at the sidewalk. This was all in 2021.

To this day nothing has changed, yet I have had to call KPN Netwerk, Volker-Wessels and subcontractors multiple times. All of them say: we will call you back. None of them have actually ever called me back. When I call then everybody has to send emails to other contractors and ask them via email to contact me. They never do.

KPN Netwerk (back-office?) has called me once this year to setup an appointment for people to come digging the cable finally, but instead of connecting me through to the contractor, they disconnected the call. I assume they think the call was made and the appointment created, but I don’t even know which number they tried to connect me to.

Meanwhile KPN the provider says: you should be able to connect everything on 22nd February 2022. Calling KPN the provider just means I get redirected to KPN Netwerk, calling them just redirects me to Volker-Wessels. They then redirect me to a subcontractor and they have to send emails to some party that I cannot even reach directly (so I have to wait until they call me, which apparently never happens). 

I feel like a project manager in this whole scenario, while the promo material says: Don’t worry, we will handle everything for you. Handling everything apparently means: delegate it to other parties and just make ‘the customer’ call everyone.

Hi @kamschu, I'm sorry to hear you're having such a bad experience with your fiberglas connection 🙁

If I understand correctly: fiberglass should have been installed at the end of 2021, but KPN Netwerk is making a mess off it by not showing up, not following up and not documenting everything. 

You're talking with ‘KPN the internet provider’ at the moment, which is a different company than ‘KPN Netwerk’, the party responsible for the fiberglass network. This means I am not the best person to help you with this, since I can't see much about your connection. As long as your fiberglass isn't installed yet, you're better off contacting KPN Netwerk. 

If it doesn't feel good to contact them due to the situation, of course I'd like to take a look to see if there's anything new I can tell you, but I can't make any promises. If you want me to take a look, could you please update your profiel and give me a heads up if you’ve done so?

Same situation, it's been 4 month and now KPN is saying that they can't do anything because the contractor is not answering them either... Ridiculous

In our case something obviously went wrong at the contractor’s side because the fiber is not working and KPN can not do anything, the cable or something needs to be changed by the contractor. 

I am chasing KPN for an appointment to fix this for months. Today I was in several calls for approx 1 hour (with waiting time of course). KPN Netwerk transferred me to the contractor. The lady who answered the call from the contractor was a chuff. I told her that I was transferred here from KPN Netwerk and I want to talk with them, as contractors about our situation and what we can expect. She immediately transferred me back to KPN without any notes. It happened today 2x, both cases the same chuff lady who just transferred me back without saying anything.

This contractor is a joke, dear KPN… 

very true. contractor did not really took note of the services they did and in which house they installed or did the first steps. luckily, in my case, after 12 months, i finally got the fibreglass installed. once the contractor did something, some other person had to come and all this person actually did was plugging the red cable from the new wall box (which now needs to be power plugged, too) to the old router. then measure the up/download rates. strangely enough, i have more issues with the internet`s stability than before. this whole oddyssee for no apparent improvement - ridiculous! let`s see when the next price increase happens because, you know, everyone raises the prices.