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I want to cancel my subscription, which I just started yesterday.

Could someone help me with it?

 The service call only speaks Dutch, they just said no English then hanged up.

I want to cancel it because the subscription date starts on April 1, however, the connection date is much late, on April 28. The contract didn't mention this information at all. And I'm in desperate need of internet right now.

Hello @Emma1437 welcome to our forum! 
I can understand you wouldn't want to wait this long for a subscription! I'm afraid you will have to speak to the cancellations department about this.
You can reach them by phone on 0800-0402 (where they should speak english) but you can also use this online form. My apologies for being hung up on like that, it should not have happened!

I would like to point out however that your subscription would not start before the installation date, you would not pay for a subscription you could not use yet. 

Hello @Emma1437 It's been a few days, have you spoken to my colleagues yet?