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I aplied to home internet end i got email from KPN.  I have a contract with 5 April 2020. I have an aansluiten date for 29 April. 

But but but i have no modem/apparatus/wife machine/experia box/instalatia pakket/ (whatever).  KPN didn’t send me a modem. Does KPN think to send me this thing?

Alvast bedankt, Met vriendelijke groet, Heybet

*Admin: changed the title for better visibility

Hello @heybet , in about a week before the 29th of april you will receive your modem etc.


Good morning @heybet, welcome to our forum!
​​​As @JanD states you should receive the modem 3 working days before your installation day at the latest.
So it should be delivered before the 27th of april. If it hasn't arrived by then please let us know so we can make sure it gets there in time.