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Hi, I have applied for KPN box 12, and got the modem today.


Once I connected all things, the wifi appeared, and suddenly it disappeared, and does not appear again.


All five lights are on on the modem, and I can connect to wired internet.

Instead of my wifi, a strange wifi appeared (VRV95179DF571) and I think that is the mutation of my wifi (because it disappears as I turn off the modem), but I cannot use that wifi with the password I have.


How can I take measures with it?

Hello @MinJae KIm 


Uou can change the WiFi name (SSID) and password with this online tool:


You can also do it by login in into the webinterface of the modem and change it there, how to login you can find here:


My wifi just disappears in a minute, and can I do it before it disappears? And I tried to use the website with ADMIN password to change the password, but my ADMIN password did not work.

Is that VRV... WiFi name also on the sticker on the back of the modem? If so you could also try the if WiFi password on the sticker works for the VRV... WiFi.

Else use a PC/laptop with an ethernet cable, then you should be able to change it on the website or in the modem without being dependent on WiFi.
Box 12 modems are sometimes hard to login to, if it doesn't work try or the Firefox browser, ignore messages about an unsafe connection, it's in your local network so safety for logging in is not an issue.

Hi @MinJae KIm, welcome to the forum. GeSp has been helping you already, have his answers helped you to a solution? I also think logging in to the modem and checking the Wifi settings can help.