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Roughly around one month ago this issue started. It is completely random, some days it occurs and other days it never happens. I basically lose connection every 2/3 minutes for about 10 seconds before getting it back. Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Many thanks in advance!!
Which Experia Box do you have?

Do you use separate wifi accesspoints and if yes, which brand and type?
I use the experia box v10. I do not use a separate access point. Just want to clarify that I have been using the same setup for at least 3 years now (same router, Ethernet cable and computer).
Also no powerline adapters in use?
Not that I know of.
Then I am out of options, especially since nothing has changed the last three years.

I hope somebody from KPN will respond soon.
Alright thanks! Hoping so too!
Allright, @whelbe I saw you made another topic, in which I already replied. I wrote:

"Hello @whelbe That's quite annoying, ofcourse. Do you loose connection on all your devices, which are connected to your wifi? It's a good idea to use our wifi tuner. This online tool measures signal strength and is able to do some adaptations to your Experia Box. This should help you with getting a better wifi connection. Do let me know the results!"

For sake of keeping a good overview on the matter: let's continue in this topic. As I can see I suggested you'd try our wifi tuner. If this problem specifically relates to wifi this is a good starting point. Another question: when you use a cabled connection: is everything fine then?
I haven't been able to check multiple devices yet. I do want to note however that I have been using the same setup (same PC, same Ethernet cable and router) for the past three years. Also note that when I check the router, everything is green (and eco is blue) but service is sometimes red, so it might not be on my end that the issue is occurring?

*Admin: topic verplaatst naar juiste board

Hello @whelbe Were you already able to test it on other devices? Something triggered me though: you state the 'Eco-light' is blue. Could you try turning the eco-mode off by pressing the

button for several seconds? If it doesn't work or in the case it is allready turned off: could you give your Experia Box a factory reset? This is how you should do that.
All devices lose connection so it is definitely the modem and not my PC. I will try to turn off ECO and see what happens then! Thanks for the suggestion!
Turning off ECO sadly didn't have any effect. Will try WIFI tuner tonight and let you know!
Allright. I hope it has a good effect and please let me know the results!
Hello! I was wondering about the effects of the wifi tuner. Is it working better already? Do let me know!
Hello! I was wondering about the effects of the wifi tuner. Is it working better already? Do let me know!

Hi! I have tried everything but the wifi tuner thus far. It is only my DOWNLOAD connection which fails NOT my upload. Essentially, people can hear me in a call when I disconnect but I can't hear anyone else.
Allright, I think it's time we'll have a closer look. Could fill in your name, adress and customer number on your KPN Forum profiel? I want to check your connection.
Will do. Funnily enough, I think I found the cause. Whenever my phone is connected to the wifi these issues occur but as soon as the phone is turned off, it no longer happens. Never had any disconnects since my phone has been turned off wifi.
